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Toronto Buddha’s Light Caring Group Resumes Lunar New Year Celebrations at Nursing Homes Post-Pandemic | 人間福報

Toronto Buddha’s Light Caring Group Resumes Lunar New Year Celebrations at Nursing Homes Post-Pandemic

On February 18th, 2024, the Toronto Buddha’s Light Caring Group visited Heritage Nursing Home in downtown Toronto to celebrate the Chinese New Year, capturing a memorable group photo in the activity hall. (Photo by Yin Zhan)
Venerable Miao Tsun, the God of Wealth, and caring group volunteers extending warm New Year greetings to the seniors. (Photo by Yin Zhan)
Venerable Miao Tsun distributing auspicious red envelopes and the Venerable Master’s New Year Greeting couplets, offering blessings to the seniors. (Photo by Dingzhen)
On February 18th, 2024, the Toronto Buddha’s Light Caring Group visited Heritage Nursing Home in downtown Toronto to celebrate the Chinese New Year, capturing a memorable group photo in the activity hall. (Photo by Yin Zhan)
On February 17th, 2024, the Buddha’s Light Caring Group visited Tendercare Nursing Home to celebrate the Chinese New Year. (Photo by Dingzhen)
he captivating Lion Dance performance by the Fo Guang Shan Temple of Toronto Dragon and Lion Dance Team. (Photo by Yin Zhan)
Showcasing a mesmerizing Lion Dance performance and a small dragon dance by the Fo Guang Shan Temple of Toronto Dragon and Lion Dance Team. (Photo by Yin Zhan)

FGS Toronto
March 1, 2024

After a hiatus of four years due to the pandemic, the Toronto Buddha’s Light Caring Group has joyously resumed its community outreach, marking a poignant reunion for residents and staff at local nursing homes. Led by Venerable Miao Tsun, the group rekindled connections with over 150 individuals at Tendercare Nursing Home, Mon Sheong Scarborough Long-Term Care Centre, and Heritage Nursing Home in downtown Toronto on February 17th and 18th, infusing warmth and compassion into the Lunar New Year festivities.

Specially invited the Fo Guang Shan Temple of Toronto Dragon and Lion Dance Team to perform contributing to a lively and heartening Chinese New Year program for seniors. Seniors eagerly gathered outside the activity room, expressing excitement at the prospect of experiencing the Lunar New Year celebrations again.

The event commenced with a captivating Lion Dance performance accompanied by additional performances featuring a small dragon, youth kung-fu, and elegant fan dancing, eliciting laughter and applause from the seniors. Volunteers from the caring group then presented a series of uplifting New Year songs, fostering an atmosphere of joy and celebration.

The grand final was a Light Offering Ceremony, where Venerable Miao Tsun explained the symbolic meaning of bringing light, hope, and happiness. Amidst serene chanting, seniors, staff, and volunteers offered lamps in front of the statue of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva. The caring group also prepared the Lunar New Year Greeting couplets written by the Venerable Master Hsing Yun, founder of Fo Guang Shan, and auspicious red envelopes presented to all seniors.

The resumption of these heartwarming Lunar New Year celebrations signifies a significant step towards reconnecting with the community.


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