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Setting Out on the Path of Discovery: Toronto Youth Commence Transformative Journey through Youth Temple Retreat | 人間福報

Setting Out on the Path of Discovery: Toronto Youth Commence Transformative Journey through Youth Temple Retreat

29 youths started a three-day and two-night journey of discovery. photo/Tracy Liu
Participants attended an English Dharma Service on the morning of the 30th during the "2024 Youth Temple Retreat". photo/Tracy Liu
Participants were fully engaged in learning. photo/Tracy Liu
Ven. Ru Zhong led participants in group discussions in the library. photo/Hongyu Zhang
Participants focused on learning "Traditional Temple Culinary Vegetarian Arts" taught by Ven. Yong Kang during the "2024 Youth Temple Retreat”. photo/Tracy Liu
Participants joined the "Eighty-eight Buddhas Repentance Dharma Service" on the morning of the 31st during the "2024 Youth Temple Retreat". photo/Tracy Liu
Ven. Ru An led participants in walking meditation after meals. photo/Tracy Liu
Participants engaged in chores at the Main Shine and Conference Room during the "2024 Youth Temple Retreat". photo/Hongyu Zhang
To encourage youths to explore the temple and understand Humanistic Buddhism, Fo Guang Shan of Toronto held a "2024 Youth Temple Retreat" from March 29th to 31st. Abbess Venerable Chueh Fan welcomed and encouraged the youths to seize the current opportunity, understanding themselves and their life direction through Dharma and unique experiences.
Indian participant Saima Vijayakumar introduced herself and shared her reasons for attending. photo/Tracy Liu
Ven. Ru Zhong taught the first lesson of Buddhism: the practice of Buddhist etiquettes. photo/Tracy Liu
Participants listened intently as Abbess Venerable Chueh Fan taught about Fo Guang Shan and Venerable Master Hsing Yun. photo/Tracy Liu

Fo Guang Shan Temple of Toronto
April 15, 2024

At the Fo Guang Shan Temple of Toronto, the 2024 Youth Temple Retreat was held from March 29th to 31st, drawing 29 young individuals eager to immerse themselves in the teachings and lifestyle of Humanistic Buddhism. This initiative aimed to guide participants on a transformative journey of self-discovery and spiritual exploration.

The retreat commenced with an opening ceremony in the Conference Room after participants' registration on the afternoon of the 29th. Venerable Chueh Fan, the Abbess of Fo Guang Shan Temple of Toronto, extended a warm welcome to the youths, many of whom were visiting Fo Guang Shan or any Buddhist temple for the first time. She commended their courage and urged them to embrace the experience with sincerity, openness and the beginner’s mind.

Following introductions, participants received an orientation from Ven. Ru Zhong, detailing the camp's schedule, temple protocols, and essential information. Among the challenging requirements was the temporary surrender of their mobile phones, a rule all participants respectfully adhered to.

The retreat's overarching theme, "To Know the Way," guided a diverse array of activities over the three-day temple retreat. These included immersive experiences in learning the Buddhist etiquettes, traditional temple vegetarian culinary arts, Buddhist chanting, fundamental teachings of Buddhism, meditation sessions, group discussions, teamwork and chores, special Dharma lectures, along with morning and evening chanting, provided a holistic understanding of monastic life.

A highlight of the retreat was a virtual lecture by Ven. Miao Fan, director of the Humanistic Buddhism Research Institute at Fo Guang Shan. Delving into the “Platform Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch: Daily Practice Insights.” Ven. Miao Fan skillfully intertwined the insights with personal anecdotes, resonating deeply with the participants.

During the sharing session, Ven. Zhi Guan and Ven. Ru An encouraged participants to share their reflections. Xu Tao, the president of the University of Waterloo's Buddha Light Community Club, remarked on the practicality of Buddhism, emphasizing the importance of continuous learning and practice in daily life. Many youths shared profound personal insights, recognizing that life's journey is one of self-cultivation and that the most significant transformations are those that occur within.

Fule Liu expressed gratitude for the opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals and the enlightening meditation sessions that underscored the concept of "causality" in her spiritual journey. Guidance from Ven. Zhi Guan provided clarity amidst uncertainty, fostering deep understanding.
Jason Au highlighted the value of cherishing current opportunities and the importance of continuous learning and self-awakening at a young age.

The retreat proved to be a transformative experience for many, providing them with not only answers to their initial questions but also with Buddhist teachings and practices they plan to incorporate into their lives moving forward, aiming for self-improvement and a deeper understanding of their life journey.


- 支持福報,做別人生命中的貴人 -



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