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Venerables Visit Just Food community Farm in the Ottawa Greenbelt | 人間福報

Venerables Visit Just Food community Farm in the Ottawa Greenbelt

Venerable Yung Ku, abbess of Fo Guang Shan Temple of Ottawa, along with superintent Ven. Zhi Yin, other venerables and groundskeeping volunteers went to the Just Food community farm in the Ottawa Greenbelt. photo/The Life News Agency

Fo Guang Shan Temple of Ottawa
April 11, 2024

On March 28, a group of nine people, including Venerable Yung Ku, abbess of Fo Guang Shan Temple of Ottawa, along with superintent Ven. Zhi Yin, other venerables and groundskeeping volunteers went to the Just Food community farm in the Ottawa Greenbelt.  The group was led by Wu Chen, a student from Algonquin College’s Business Agriculture program.

During the Chinese New Year, Wu Chen and her roommates, Emma and Iris, who are studying carpentry, visited the temple to participate in activities and Dharma services. They had conversations with the venerables about their respective majors and learned that Fo Guang Shan Temple of Ottawa had established a "Happy Farm" since 2023. Upon receiving an invitation from the advising venerable, they eagerly joined the team of farm volunteers and enthusiastically contributed to planning the 2024 planting schedule. In order to assist the venerables with the understanding of agricultural cultivation, Wu Chen organized this visit.  Sun Shan and Li Bo, who were her previous working partners in Beijing, led a guided tour of the farm.

During the farm tour, the venerables and volunteers were presented the concepts advocated by Just Food, and that Just Food is committed to improving food production and distribution efficiency through sustainable agricultural practices, with a focus on fostering community engagement and providing training opportunities. Although they couldn't witness the early spring crop plantings and the farm's breeding and planting experiments firsthand, Sun Shan and Li Bo's introductions inspired the group with the passion and philosophy of "Just Food Urban Agriculture" towards sustainable agriculture and food safety. Coincidentally, during the visit, the group had the opportunity to meet Erin O'Manique, the executive director of the Gloucester Emergency Food Cupboard and a member of the board of directors of the Ottawa Food Bank.

Sun Shan and Li Bo, who were her previous working partners in Beijing, led a guided tour of the farm. photo/The Life News Agency

During this visit, everyone profoundly realized the importance of Ottawa Greenbelt. This vast green space serves as not only a vital natural resource for the city of Ottawa but also as a key factor in maintaining ecological balance and sustainable development of the entire region. The Ottawa Greenbelt is known for its rich biodiversity and beautiful natural landscapes, while also providing many important ecosystem services, such as water conservation, air purification and carbon absorption. Protecting and preserving the Ottawa Greenbelt is crucial for ensuring the health and prosperity of local communities, which also echoes the sustainable development concept advocated by Fo Guang Shan Temple of Ottawa and the Buddha’s Light International Association (BLIA).

This visit not only provided the venerables and volunteers with a deeper understanding of sustainable agriculture but also laid a solid foundation for the "Happy Farm" to learn from the practices of "Just Food Urban Agriculture." Through collaborative efforts, the venerables and volunteers firmly believe that they can contribute even more to the sustainable development and food safety of the communities near Richmond which will further advance the progress and prosperity of the society.


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