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Five Girl Scouts Receive Prestigious President’s Volunteer Service Award | 人間福報

Five Girl Scouts Receive Prestigious President’s Volunteer Service Award

Guiding Ven. Zhi San celebrates with the excited Hsi Lai Girl Scouts. photo/ Hsi Lai Girl Scouts
Buddha's Light Hsi Lai Girl Scouts show impressive rock climbing skills. photo/ Hsi Lai Girl Scouts
Gliding through the sky on the zipline is a favorite. photo/ Hsi Lai Girl Scouts
An aerial ropeway provides a fun opportunity for the Girl Scouts to practice mindfulness. photo/ Hsi Lai Girl Scouts

Fo Guang Shan Hsi Lai Temple
March 11, 2024

The esteemed President’s Volunteer Service Award is a national honor offered to those who have demonstrated a commitment to volunteer service for 12 months. Five members—Vienna Koo Wang, Yuhan Wu, Evelyn Tse, Molly Huang and Allison Chieh—of the Buddha's Light Hsi Lai Girl Scout Troop 18894 accumulated a total of 889 volunteer hours in 2023, and were honored and awarded medals, certificates, and presidential congratulatory letters on January 28 by Hsi Lai Girl Scouts Guiding Venerable, Ven. Zhi San, at Hsi Lai Temple. Nearly 30 parents and Girl Scouts joyfully celebrated the awardees.

The recipients of the Youth Group Gold Award—Vienna Koo Wang, Yuhan Wu, and Evelyn Tse—each achieved over 100 hours of volunteer service, and the recipients of the Young Adult Group Gold Award—Molly Huang and Allison Chieh—each surpassed 250 hours of volunteer service. Ven. Zhi San congratulated the girls and encouraged them to continue their commitment to deeply touching others’ lives in compassionate and significant ways.

The President’s Volunteer Service Award is a recognition created by the U.S. government to encourage citizens or permanent residents to volunteer. Established in 2003 by the President’s Council on Service and Civic Participation and overseen by the federal agency AmeriCorps, it allows certifying organizations to recognize outstanding volunteers contributing to their communities. Eligible participants range from 5 to 25 years old and can receive Gold, Silver, or Bronze Awards based on their volunteer service hours.

The Hsi Lai Girl Scouts’ commitment to serving others compassionately included volunteering at Hsi Lai Temple for various events, kitchen duties, planning summer camps for children, helping out at Hsi Lai Summer School, tutoring elementary school students after school, and participating in animal shelters, county libraries, and senior centers within the community.

Allison Chieh, a Gold Award recipient in the Young Adult Group, completed 313 hours of service and expressed that the volunteer process was very meaningful. Not only did it allow her to help the community, but it also provided her with opportunities to make new friends and acquire new skills. This award was her second time receiving the award, and she looks forward to earning it again next year.



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