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Catholic Focolare Visits Mabuhay Temple for Interreligious Exchange | 人間福報

Catholic Focolare Visits Mabuhay Temple for Interreligious Exchange

Representatives from the Catholic Focolare group in the Philippines embarked on a journey of spiritual exploration alongside monks and believers from Fo Guang Shan. photo/Fo Guang Shan Mabuhay Temple
Venerable Miao Jing, the abbess of the Mabuhay Temple, warmly welcomed their Catholic friends. photo/Fo Guang Shan Mabuhay Temple
Representatives took pari in the interfaith spiritual exchange. photo/Fo Guang Shan Mabuhay Temple

Fo Guang Shan Mabuhay Temple
April 18, 2024

An interfaith spiritual exchange took place on April 14th at the Mabuhay Temple in Manila, Philippines, hosted by Fo Guang Shan, a Buddhist monastery. A delegation of around 50 representatives from the Catholic Focolare group in the Philippines, led by Asela, embarked on a journey of spiritual exploration alongside monks and believers from Fo Guang Shan. Members of the delegation from Italy, South Korea, mainland China, and the Philippines entered this tranquil sanctuary with their respective faiths and spiritual quests.

Venerable Miao Jing, the abbess of the Mabuhay Temple, warmly welcomed their Catholic friends, expressing that Fo Guang Shan upholds the educational ideals of its founder, Venerable Master Hsing Yun, and is dedicated to establishing the University of Enlightenment in Tagathay, aspiring to open the gates of wisdom for more kindred spirits. Venerable Miao Jing mentioned that the Buddha's teachings originate from humanity, and the existence of Buddhism is for the happiness of humanity. Venerable Master Hsing Yun advocates the Four Givings, hoping that this warmth can spread and bring more goodness to the world.

Priest Severo remarked that every person at Fo Guang Shan exudes a passionate smile, like a warm breeze soothing the anxieties in their hearts.

Francis, a theology student from Guangzhou, shared his profound experience of visiting the Mabhay Temple during his study trip to the Philippines, deeply feeling the significance of Venerable Master Hsing Yun's advocacy of the Three Act of Goodness. He was also surprised to discover the striking similarities between Buddhist teachings and Catholic principles.

Students present at the event eagerly posed insightful questions, inquiring about topics such as freeing oneself from desire and practicing the Noble Eightfold Path. BLIA members, Belinda and Venerable Zhi Rong, patiently addressed each query.

Venerable Zhi Qin showcased the essence of Humanistic Buddhism through videos and elucidated Venerable Master Hsing Yun's unique perspective on Humanistic Buddhism. This interreligious dialogue not only purified the participants' souls but also fostered mutual understanding and respect among different faiths.

To deepen the visitors' experience, Venerable Chueh Chi specially prepared a unique ritual. LED candles were provided for the members to light, symbolizing the illumination of hope. After lighting the candles, the members meditated in silence, then drew Dharma lots, hoping to find answers to life's questions in this serene place.

The youth group, led by Beibei Tsai and former leader Wanji Gong, served as hosts and guides for this visit.

The group also visited Grand Master Hsing Yun Art Gallery where they experienced the writing of the sutra, Grand Master calligraphy and his volume of 395 books. To end their visit, the group had their afternoon snack at Mabuhay teahouse where they got to experience Buddhist vegetarian food.


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