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Philippine GMC Board Trustees Meeting, Working Towards New Milestones | 人間福報

Philippine GMC Board Trustees Meeting, Working Towards New Milestones

On April 16, Guang Ming College conducted a board trustees meeting at the Fo Guang Shan Mabuhay Temple in the Philippines. photo/FGS Mabuhay Temple
Dr. Michael Lao expressed his sadness at the news of the Venerable Master's passing. photo/FGS Mabuhay Temple
Dr. Michael Tan, the President of GMC, led the Vice President and his team in presenting their achievement report for the school year 2023. photo/FGS Mabuhay Temple
Dr. Alfonso Uy shared that he rose from poverty to become a self-made entrepreneur. photo/FGS Mabuhay Temple
We thank the Venerable Master for establishing five Fo Guang Shan University Consortium across four countries. photo/FGS Mabuhay Temple

Venerable Zhipu and Lourdes Wang
April 19, 2024

On April 16, Guang Ming College (GMC) conducted a board trustees meeting at the Fo Guang Shan Mabuhay Temple in the Philippines. The board trustees’ members expressed their concern about the progress of GMC and discussed ways to achieve new milestones collaboratively. Dr. Michael Tan, the President of GMC, led the Vice President and his team in presenting their achievement report for the school year 2023. This impressive achievement report will be given to the respected venerables supporting the school in pursuing its goals. The BLIA members received this performance report due to everyone's trust and encouragement. The achievement would not have been possible without Venerable Master Hsing Yun's vision and compassion to establish schools in the Philippines.

Venerable Yung Guang, the Head Abbess of Fo Guang Shan in the Philippines, expressed her appreciation for everyone who worked together to fulfill the Venerable Master's vows. We are delighted that the school has been completed. We want to thank the board members who care about Fo Guang Shan’s education and have been watching Fo Guang Shan's growth and GMC's growth. We would also like to thank President Dr. Michael Tan for moving to Tagaytay.

Dr. Alfonso Uy, a member of the GMC board of trustees, shared that he rose from poverty to become a self-made entrepreneur. He previously served as a director at the University of Central Philippines in Iloilo and fully supports the Venerable Master's initiative to establish schools to combat poverty. The church aided Dr. Uy's path to success, and he is committed to contributing both his time and resources to GMC. He cares deeply about the school's growth and the future of its students.

Dr. Michael Lao, who serves as the director of the BLIA Headquarters and Chairman of the Fo Guang Shan Educational Fund in the Philippines, expressed his sadness at the news of the Venerable Master's passing. He urged BLIA members to strengthen their support for education and make the Venerable Master’s vows their own. Dr. Lao also expressed his eagerness for future meetings and exchanges, believing that the more we learn, the more we can help the college.

Dr. Michael Tan, the President of GMC, expressed his gratitude to the Venerable Master for his contributions to education in the Philippines. The college's founding marked the beginning of a transformation in education, bringing hope for a better future. Since its establishment, the Star and Cloud Art Center have been completed. In 2024, we plan to upgrade the dormitory, library, and office equipment. Currently, there are 132 students enrolled in the academic year. The college strives to improve its teaching system, not only in terms of academic education but also moral education. For instance, Dikachi, an African sports science student, practices the Three Acts of Goodness as a social worker after class to serve the public and takes culture, art, and technology courses as a minor subject. GMC offers a wide range of minor majors to choose from and many international exchange opportunities. The basketball, cheerleading, and track and field teams have recently achieved numerous victories. GMC values compassion, kindness, and the Three Acts of Goodness and encourages its students to organize children's activities. In this case, the teachers, students, parents, and community can grow and learn in a Buddhist educational environment.

We thank the Venerable Master for establishing five Fo Guang Shan University Consortium across four countries. It is an honor that GMC is located in the Philippines, providing devotees with the opportunity to cultivate blessings and wisdom. The 2023 achievement report presented by GMC belongs to everyone. All outstanding performances are the glory of all sponsors and supporters. We hope 2024 everyone will continue to achieve new milestones together.



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