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Nan Tien Temple New Year's Eve Carnival Embracing the New Year with Vegetarianism and Environmental Preservation | 人間福報

Nan Tien Temple New Year's Eve Carnival Embracing the New Year with Vegetarianism and Environmental Preservation

Fo Guang Shan Nan Tien Temple organized the "New Year's Eve Carnival" to bid farewell to the past and welcome the new, ushering in the Year of the Golden Dragon with joy. photo/The Life News Agency
Venerable Man Ko presided over the dharma functions to seek New Year blessings from the Buddha for all sentient beings. photo/The Life News Agency
The food market featured vegetarian vendors from both Eastern and Western traditions, preparing exquisite vegetarian New Year dishes for all attendees. photo/The Life News Agency
Akane(2nd from right) from Japan and Aidan(3rd from right) from Newcastle specifically travelled together to participate. photo/The Life News Agency
Local resident Victoria Bromage attended the New Year's Eve event to express her strong support for promoting vegetarianism to protect the environment. photo/The Life News Agency
Nearly 2,000 participants, including Lord Mayor Gordon Bradbery AM, gathered to partake in the festivities. photo/The Life News Agency
A video featuring Venerable Master Hsing Yun's "New Year's Eve Prayer" was played. photo/The Life News Agency
Venerable Man Ko emphasizing the tradition of acquiring new items for the new year, symbolizing a fresh start. photo/The Life News Agency
Venerable Man Ko pointed out that Venerable Master Hsing Yun summarized a lifetime of practice into the concept of the "Three Acts of Goodness." photo/The Life News Agency

Francis Wong
February 22, 2024

To bid farewell to the past and welcome the new, ushering in the Year of the Golden Dragon with joy, on 9 February, for the first time, Fo Guang Shan Nan Tien Temple organized the "New Year's Eve Carnival" at the Nan Tien Bridge Plaza, featuring an international vegetarian food market. The carnival began at 6pm until the early hours of the next day, aimed to bring joy to the community on New Year's Eve. Nearly 2,000 participants, including Lord Mayor Gordon Bradbery AM, devotees, community residents, and visiting guests, gathered to partake in the festivities.

The carnival, themed around "vegetarianism," aimed to promote fellowship while aligning with the environmental and mindful principles advocated by Venerable Master Hsing Yun, the founder of Fo Guang Shan. It also supported the United Nations' goal of reducing carbon emissions by encouraging more consumption of fruits and vegetables and less meat. The food market featured vegetarian vendors from both Eastern and Western traditions, preparing exquisite vegetarian New Year dishes for all attendees to enjoy in a harmonious atmosphere and cultural exchange.

Lord Mayor Gordon Bradbery inaugurated the vegetarian market, praising Nan Tien Temple for its significant contributions to religious harmony, community cohesion, and cultural education in Wollongong over the past 30 years. He wished everyone a happy Lunar New Year, good health, and prosperity.

Local resident Victoria Bromage, who found spiritual purification through Nan Tien Temple's meditation courses, attended the New Year's Eve event to express her strong support for promoting vegetarianism to protect the environment. She commended Nan Tien Temple for creating a harmonious and loving atmosphere in the community. Visitors and vegetarian advocate Zen were delighted with the vibrant celebration of the Lunar New Year and expressed that the delightful vegetarian dishes effectively promote the concept of healthy eating.

Following the carnival, two significant dharma functions, the "New Year's Eve Prayer Dharma Function" and the "New Year's Blessing and Prayer Dharma Function," were held at the Main Shrine. Venerable Man Ko, Chief Abbess of Fo Guang Shan Australia and New Zealand, presided over these dharma functions to seek New Year blessings from the Buddha for all sentient beings. The dharma functions were live-streamed, attracting nearly a thousand participants both online and offline, enjoying the spiritual benefits.

After the New Year's Eve Universal Prayer, a video featuring Venerable Master Hsing Yun's "New Year's Eve Prayer" was played. Following the ceremonies, the attendees paid their respects to Venerable Master Hsing Yun and Nan Tien Temple's Abbot Venerable Xin Bao to bid farewell to the past year.

The New Year's Blessing Ceremony began at midnight, with the aspiration for all participants to purify their body and mind through practicing the "Three Acts of Goodness" and welcoming the new year. A video of Venerable Master Hsing Yun's "New Year's Prayer" was played, invoking blessings for everyone to eliminate obstacles, cultivate positive aspirations, and increase wisdom. Nan Tien Temple utilized technology to allow remote worshipers to participate by lighting virtual lamps online, expressing respect for the Triple Gem and their aspirations for the new year. The lights in front of the Buddha symbolized the illumination of Buddha's radiance, spreading joy to the hearts of all.

Venerable Man Ko emphasizing the tradition of acquiring new items for the new year, symbolizing a fresh start. She encouraged individuals to understand the importance of "self-renewal" in the contemporary era, letting go of old beliefs and thoughts, and adapting to the times while coexisting with the current era.

"If an individual can practice the Three Acts of Goodness, then they will be dignified and upright; if everyone in society practices the Three Acts of Goodness, then society will be harmonious," added Venerable Man Ko. She further pointed out that Venerable Master Hsing Yun summarized a lifetime of practice into the concept of the "Three Acts of Goodness," capable of purifying hearts and promoting social harmony. She urged everyone to diligently cultivate with sincerity, compassion, and wisdom in the new year, wishing all attendees "peace and joy in the cloud and water-like tranquillity."

Venerable Man Ko led the countdown to the Year of the Dragon, expressing prayers with the sound of the bell, "Hearing the bell, afflictions are lightened, wisdom grows, Bodhi increases..." Venerables at Nan Tien Temple then assisted to distribute the red envelopes and spring couplets, allowing the crowd to feel the festive atmosphere of the Lunar New Year and the warmth of humanistic Buddhism.

Antonio from Spain, feeling relaxed in the natural and integrated environment of Nan Tien Temple, enjoyed the friendly and joyful atmosphere of the New Year's Eve carnival, experiencing it together with his family. Akane from Japan and Aidan from Newcastle, after learning about the event online, specifically travelled together to participate. They expressed great joy in attending the New Year's ceremonies and prayers, wishing for harmonious families and world peace.


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