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BLIA South Island NZ Training and Fellowship Seminar with Newly Appointed YAD President | 人間福報

BLIA South Island NZ Training and Fellowship Seminar with Newly Appointed YAD President

On 16th March 2024, BLIA South Island held a Training and Fellowship Seminar at the Fo Guang Shan Christchurch Temple. photo/FGS NZ
The session featured insights from Minister in Charge of FGS Christchurch Venerable Juexi, Subchapter Senior Advisor CAO Qian, and Subchapter 1 President Tiffany SU. photo/FGS NZ
President Tiffany SU, quoted Venerable Master Hsing Yun, encouraged all participants to serve the community, thus forging positive connections. photo/FGS NZ
Venerable Juexi highlighted the significance of essence, form, and function in practice. photo/FGS NZ
During the event, a charter ceremony was conducted for the newly appointed BLIA Young Adult Division Christchurch President Tim SONG and Deputy President Elaine HUANG. photo/FGS NZ

Fo Guang Shan New Zealand
April 1, 2024

On 16th March 2024, BLIA South Island held a Training and Fellowship Seminar at the Fo Guang Shan Christchurch Temple. The session featured insights from Minister in Charge of FGS Christchurch Venerable Juexi, Subchapter Senior Advisor CAO Qian, and Subchapter 1 President Tiffany SU. The session was attended by over 40 members, including Subchapter Senior Advisor Louisa KUO, BLIA South Island Deputy Presidents James LOW and Dong ZHANG and other committees. During the event, a charter ceremony was conducted for the newly appointed BLIA Young Adult Division Christchurch President Tim SONG and Deputy President Elaine HUANG.

President Tiffany SU, quoted Venerable Master Hsing Yun, encouraged all participants to serve the community, thus forging positive connections. She emphasized that BLIA members strive to purify human minds, fostering compassion within society and making a meaningful historical impact through organising various activities.

Senior Advisor CAO Qian shared her personal experiences to convey the essence of the BLIA and the attitudes that members should maintain. She stressed Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s teachings for BLIA members to embrace virtues of unity and benevolence, and to actively engage in the Three Acts of Goodness and Four Givings in their daily lives to cultivate happiness and peace.

Venerable Juexi highlighted the significance of essence, form, and function in practice. Venerable encouraged attendees to develop wisdom as the essence, compassion as the form, and skilful means for function, as one should return to the basics by cultivating the right understanding and right view from within. Venerable urged BLIA members to care for all beings and practice the principles of Truthfulness, Virtue, and Beauty inherent in Humanistic Buddhism at all times.

The session also included vibrant and energetic singing by the YAD group. Attendees expressed their appreciation for the organizers’ dedication, gaining deeper insights into BLIA’s operations and feeling proud to be part of the community.


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