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Nan Tien Temple’s Offering to Buddhas and Celestial Guardians Dharma Service to cultivate inner wealth and affiliation | 人間福報

Nan Tien Temple’s Offering to Buddhas and Celestial Guardians Dharma Service to cultivate inner wealth and affiliation

Fo Guang Shan Nan Tien Temple organised its "Offering to Buddhas and Celestial Guardians Dharma Service ". photo/The Life News Agency
Devotees prepared delicious foods to feast the heavenly beings.photo/The Life News Agency
Devotees received the gifts. photo/The Life News Agency
Devotees enjoyed the dessert.photo/The Life News Agency
Attendees followed the ritual to purify the altar, invite the sacred, establish seats, make offerings, dedicate merits, and conclude the ceremony with a farewell to the sacred. photo/The Life News Agency
The Dharma Service was presided over by Venerable Man Ko, Chief Abbess of Fo Guang Shan Australia and New Zealand.
The delicate gifts prepared by Nan Tien Temple. photo/The Life News Agency
Attendees followed the ritual to purify the altar, invite the sacred, establish seats, make offerings, dedicate merits, and conclude the ceremony with a farewell to the sacred. photo/The Life News Agency
Devotees made offerings to the Triple Gem and feasting the heavenly beings. photo/The Life News Agency
Venerable Man Ko distributed red pockets. photo/The Life News Agency

Francis Wong
February 23, 2024

On the ninth day of the Lunar New Year, an important day in traditional customs known as "Worshiping the Heavenly Deities," on17 February (The eighth day of Lunar New Year) Fo Guang Shan Nan Tien Temple organised its "Offering to Buddhas and Celestial Guardians Dharma Service ". The Dharma Service was presided over by Venerable Man Ko, Chief Abbess of Fo Guang Shan Australia and New Zealand. Over 300 devotees, including those from the Sydney area, Wollongong community, and dedicated devotees from Melbourne, gathered at the Main Shrine and Dharma Hall to participate in the service, making offerings to the Triple Gem and feasting the heavenly beings.

The Dharma Service commenced at 9:30 PM, with two separate incense processions. Guided by Venerable Man Ko, the attendees followed the ritual to purify the altar, invite the sacred, establish seats, make offerings, dedicate merits, and conclude the ceremony with a farewell to the sacred. The congregation recited scriptures and mantras together, and the auspicious ceremony concluded in the early morning, lasting for three hours.

"Participating in the Offering to Buddhas and Celestial Guardians Dharma Service, making offerings to the Triple Gem, and feasting the heavenly beings signify prosperity and wisdom," observed Venerable Man Ko with joy as she witnessed the devotees returning to the temple for the service. She expounded on Buddhism's emphasis on cultivating pure and virtuous wealth, promoting equality, generosity, and providing relief. Simultaneously, she highlighted that possessing wisdom, maintaining a joyful heart, and practicing the "Three Acts of Goodness" are enduring forms of wealth.

Venerable Man Ko further explained that genuine wealth lies in physical health, contentment, faith, a tolerant mind, a bright future, a happy life, harmonious relationships with family, nimble wisdom, and tapping into one's intrinsic potential. She emphasized that as long as the mind is purified, these internal wealth naturally manifest.

"Seeking wealth within peace, improvement and progress within harmony," stated Venerable Man Ko. She expressed that a harmonious society requires embracing diversity from the heart, starting with sincerity and compassion. With these qualities, wealth naturally increases, and future endeavours thrive. In conclusion, Venerable Man Ko encouraged everyone to recognize that in life, true wealth lies in Buddhism, faith, compassion, determination, contentment, joy, remorse, interpersonal connections, peace, health, and wisdom.

Lenny Fung, who grew up in the BLIA Young Adult Division (YAD), expressed gratitude for returning to the temple to participate in the service. He acknowledged the wisdom of Venerable Master Hsing Yun and appreciated the support of the congregation in making the event successful.

Sally Qin, Vice President of the BLIA Sydney Aloka sub-chapter and leader of the Southern District Fo Guang Scouts, participated in service for the fifth consecutive year, shared that offering respects to the Buddha, feasting the Triple Gem and heavenly beings is a highly virtuous practice. She hoped that everyone has a peaceful new year and extended gratitude to venerables and volunteers for supporting the event.



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