Toronto 2024 Cloud and Water Dharma Talk Series: Blossoms with Insights from Floral Wisdom

Venerable Ru Zhong made opening remarks to welcome attendees to connect with the Buddha-Dharma through appreciating the virtues of flowers. photo/The Life News Agency
Mrs. Sue Hutchison delivered her talk on “Inspirations from the Language of Flowers.” photo/The Life News Agency
Attendees attentively listen to ways of bringing Dharma and beauty into everyday life. photo/The Life News Agency
A live demonstration showcasing how branches, flowers, and leaves each contribute to the harmony of the overall floral design. photo/The Life News Agency
A group photo marking a wonderful experience of the beauty of Dharma joy. photo/The Life News Agency

The Life News Agency
May 16, 2024

The Fo Guang Shan (FGS) Temple of Toronto and the Buddha’s Light International Association (BLIA) Toronto Chapter initiated the "2024 Cloud and Water Dharma Talk Series" on April 14th, captivating around 120 attendees with a lecture titled " Blossoms with Insights from Floral Wisdom" by Mrs. Sue Hutchison, BLIA Lay Dharma Teacher. She shared insights on integrating the aesthetics of Buddha-Dharma into daily life through the art of flower arrangement, symbolizing Buddhist cultivation.

Venerable Ru Zhong, the Superintendent of FGS Toronto, commenced the event with welcoming remarks. Drawing attention to flower-related analogies abundant in Buddhism, Venerable Ru Zhong elucidated the symbolic significance of flowers, such as the purity embodied by orchids and the transformative journey mirrored in the lotus flower.

Mrs. Hutchison, renowned for her role in leading the Reception Team at the Temple and teaching flower arrangement courses at FGS Toronto Humanistic Buddhism Buddhist Courses, delved into three key aspects during her presentation: the profound connection between Buddhism and flowers, the spiritual merits of offering flowers, and the inspirational teachings derived from flowers. Citing Buddhist scripture, she pointed out the symbolic representations of flowers in the Buddha’s life journey, elucidating profound teachings embedded in nature's cycles. The auspiciousness of the white lotus and the Ashoka tree welcomed the birth of the Buddha, while the withering of the sal tree upon his Nirvana speaks of Dharma. The bloom and withering of flowers portray the Four Virtues of Nirvana: permanence and impermanence, happiness and suffering, self and non-self, and purity and defilement.

Exploring the benefits of offering flowers to the Buddha and Bodhisattvas as outlined in the Agama Sutra, Mrs. Hutchison elaborated on the virtues bestowed upon practitioners, including serenity, merit accumulation, and alignment with the Dharma. Reflecting on her affinity for the Japanese art of floral design, she underscored the lessons of impermanence and resilience observed through her practice, aligning with Buddhist principles.

Mrs. Hutchison briefly introduced the origin of Ikenobō and reflected on her experiences as an enthusiast of the Japanese art of floral design. She learned to appreciate the beauty of all stages of life through her long-time hobby. Aged and bent branches, near-fallen autumn leaves, early spring sprouts, and even branches hit hard by wintry winds showcased unique characters and beauty. The resilience of plants demonstrates the truth of impermanence, quietly manifesting the importance of cherishing every moment.

During a demonstration of Ikenobō, Mrs. Hutchison expounded on its simplicity and philosophical depth, emphasizing its harmony with the teachings of Venerable Master Hsing Yun. Integrating the Five Harmonies principle into floral arrangements, she emphasized the importance of harmonious coexistence at various levels of society for global peace.

Drawing parallels between the Vimalakīrti Sūtra and the philosophy of Ikenobō, Mrs. Hutchison urged attendees to perceive the world as a reflection of their inner selves, navigating life with wisdom and compassion. Encouraging mindful observation of flowers as manifestations of Buddha's teachings, she concluded with a call to cultivate positive intentions and spread loving-kindness, fostering a more beautiful and harmonious world.

Through Mrs. Hutchison's insightful Dharma Talk, attendees were inspired to perceive the profound teachings of Buddhism in the delicate beauty of flowers, embracing wisdom and compassion on their journey toward enlightenment.


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