FGS News

Kaohsiung Nibun Chorus Sing in Gratitude to Venerable Master Hsing Yun After Winning Gold Medals

Fo Guang Shan New Zealand July 23, 2024 The 13th World Choir Games 2024 concluded on 20 July in New Zealand, where the Nibun Chorus from Liugui, Kaohsiung, emerged victorious from over 200 choirs. They won two gold medals in the categories of Folk and Indigenous Music with Accompaniment and Contemporary Mixed Voice Music. Their melodious singing, akin to heavenly voices, amazed the judges. The following day, on 21 July, the choir, led by conductor Jun-Zhi CHEN, visited Fo Guang Shan Auckland again at the invitation of Abbess Manshin. They performed a Bunun song to honour and thank Venerable Master Hsing Yun, the Founder of Fo Guang Shan. FGS Director of Executive Council Venerable HuiChuan, who was in Europe chairing the International Buddha’s Light Young Adult Executive Conference, specially recorded a video to congratulate the choir on their achievements. Many members of the choir were survivors of the 2009 Typhoon Morakot in Taiwan. At that time, Venerable HuiChuan, appointed by the Venerable Master, served as the Chief Director for the Flood Disaster Relief. Ven HuiChuan expressed his joy at seeing the students grow up healthy and win international gold medals, saying, Congratulations to everyone on winning 2 Gold Medals in the World Choir Games. Fo Guang Shan served as a crucial refuge during the flood disaster, providing significant support. We are also delighted to have supported you in the New Zealand World Choir Games, and we wish you safe and auspicious travels and continued success in future competitions. Only with a pure mind can one produce pure sounds, just as because of the Venerable Master’s compassionate heart, Fo Guang Shan Temples around the world exist, said Abbess Manshin. Abbess led the assembly in reporting to the Grand Master, Compassionate Grand Master, today we have nearly a hundred students from Liugui, Kaohsiung, who after 16 years under the care and love of their teachers and the community, have grown up and taken on responsibilities. They will now sing a song, The Benevolent of Mother’s Eyes, to thank you for your life-saving kindness. The choir’s heavenly voices resonated throughout the space, filling it with pure and elegant melodies. Conductor CHEN shared that the song, like a mother’s loving gaze, brings strength and courage to people’s hearts, reflecting the compassion and warmth of the Venerable Master. He attributed their two gold medals to the Grand Master’s blessings and expressed gratitude for the Abbess’s support and hospitality before and after the competition. The students also expressed their thanks for the abundant food prepared by the Temple, including pastries, snacks, fruits and beverages, which rejuvenated them and greatly helped with the final competition. As a dentist, CHEN mentioned his experience in identifying disaster victims through dental records during the Morakot Flood Disaster, emphasising the profound power of faith. He noted that faith can help recover from severe disasters, stressing the importance of making the voices of Liugui heard. He shared his deep gratitude to Fo Guang Shan Auckland for supporting and showing kindness to the team, which had been one of the blessings and highlights of the trip.


2024 ANZBYC: Embracing Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s Teachings for a Bright Future

Fo Guang Shan New Zealand July 23, 2024 From 5th to 7th July 2024, the 26th Australia New Zealand Buddha’s Light Youth Conference (ANZBYC) took place at Fo Guang Shan Auckland Temple. This year’s conference centred on the theme Stay True to Your Initial Aspirations, featuring an interactive Q&A session led by Abbess Manshin of FGS NZ, BLIA Lay Dharma Lecturer Dr Eric Chan and Advisor Caroline Ong of BLIA Sydney Subchapter. The sessions were deeply rooted in the teachings of the Grand Master Venerable Master Hsing Yun, sharing insights on how to apply the right attitude and mindset to personal development in the areas of spiritual practice, academics and careers. Realising Initial Aspiration through Faith Abbess Manshin shared her journey of discovering Buddhism at age 14 through the profound truth of Cause + Conditions = Effect. Recalling her vow to keep up with the Venerable Master’s teachings during her time at the FGS Tsung Lin Buddhist College, she emphasised the importance of becoming someone who is teachable. Over her three-decade service in Australia and New Zealand, Abbess Manshin has remained committed to the Founder’s vision of providing service, sharing positive values and uplifting the community in New Zealand, appreciating the endless Dharma treasures left by the Venerable Master. Abbess reminded the youth of the significance of holding activities at the Temple, which is a space filled with wisdom and compassion. Abbess drew an analogy to offering lights, stating that a single light can illuminate the hall when combined with others, and similarly, each person’s small contributions can collectively create significant impact. Quoting the Most Venerable Abbot Hsin Bau of FGS Buddhist Order, Abbess Manshin emphasised that everyone should focus on meaningful practice and learning, avoiding distractions that do not enhance wisdom or address life’s essential questions. Abbess encouraged the youths to cherish their affinities, support each other and strive together for a better future, drawing strength and value from the peaceful environment of the Temple. Rediscovering Initial Aspiration through Academics Dr Eric Chan’s lectures spanned three days, beginning with focus on that one’s initial aspiration is found by looking inward and facing one’s true self. He highlighted the spirits of compassion, wisdom, vow, and practice exemplified by the Four Great Bodhisattvas. Dr Eric shared his journey of receiving Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s benevolence, which supported him to study at Nanhua University without tuition fees, giving him the opportunity to pursue and complete his doctorate in medicine and become a professor. Dr Eric inspired the youth by emphasising that the initial aspiration lies at the root of one’s heart, encouraging them to harness their fearlessness, sincerity and faith to give back to the many causes and acts of kindness that have shaped their lives. During the workshops, participants engaged in group discussions to explore their insights and questions. Dr Eric addressed various concerns such as the feeling of disappointment when not recognised by others, the challenges of adversity in interpersonal relationships and the source of motivation for maintaining one’s initial aspirations. He quoted Venerable Master’s teachings: Only one who can take hardship has a bright future, reminding the youth that doing good for others stems from enduring hardships and the desire to help. Reflecting on his role as a university professor, he shared that his motivation comes from teaching the way he wished to be taught, which naturally empowers him. Nurturing Initial Aspiration through Careers Caroline ONG, who currently serves as a risk management director at a financial institution shared her extensive career experience in finance. With over the last 24 years of dedicated service at Fo Guang Shan, Caroline’s growth from a youth leader to a BLIA advisor illustrates the profound impact of commitment and responsibility. She recounted her first volunteer experience at the Buddha’s Birthday Celebration at Nan Tien Temple, starting in the food stall and eventually leading event planning. She emphasised Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s words, to delve deep, one must first be involved; to excel, one must first contribute, highlighting the Temple as a platform for youths to realise their potential and contribute to the community. Participants inquired about various career aspects, including interview preparation, workplace culture, essential qualities and industry prospects. Caroline advised the youths to embrace responsibility early in their careers and to be meticulous in their work. She shared her experience of mastering office equipment maintenance and document management, which opened doors for her in the company, demonstrating that diligence in small tasks can lead to greater opportunities. She encouraged considering the broader impact of decisions and adhering to Venerable Master’s philosophy: I am one among many.


New Zealand Basketball Teams Prepared for 2024 Fo Guang Cup at Taiwan with Temple Blessings

Fo Guang Shan New Zealand July 23, 2024 The 2024 Fo Guang Cup University Basketball Tournament is set to commence soon. On 19th July, CEO of Basketball New Zealand Dillon Boucher MNZM and national team coach Mitchell Langton led the men’s and women’s teams to the Fo Guang Shan Auckland Temple to receive blessings before their departure for Taiwan. Abbess Manshin of FGS NZ led a light offering ceremony in the Main Shrine, recited Prayer for Athletes written by the Founder, Venerable Master Hsing Yun, blessing the teams for success in their journey. There were 50 guests attending the blessing ceremony, including Editor Farida Master of Small Business Heroes Magazine, BLIA North Island Chapter Advisor Sally Wong, Chief Advisor Jennifer Liang and the Team members. CEO Boucher presented a signed basketball and a number 48 jersey as a token of gratitude to the Temple. He expressed that the players represent not only themselves but also their clubs and country, hoping they achieve great results and return to share their success with the community at Fo Guang Shan New Zealand. Abbess Manshin encouraged the players to have unwavering confidence, noting the special significance of the numbers 4 and 8, as April 8 marks the Buddha’s Birthday, symbolising equality and compassion. She gave each player a blessing apple, encouraged them to give their all, appreciate their opponents and strive to surpass themselves. The Temple also arranged for the team to enjoy a delicious vegetarian meal. Player Lauren Tewhata, representing the team, thanked Fo Guang Shan New Zealand for making their participation in the tournament possible. The men’s and women’s teams performed the Kapa Haka war dance and the Te Aroha song to express their gratitude. The Auckland youth members also performed the Open Your Heart and 3G4G song to cheer on the athletes. The team comprises players selected from 17 top clubs across New Zealand. Coach Matt Lacey will lead 12 male players, and Coach Ryan Dubbeldam will guide 10 female players, departing on 20th July. This marks New Zealand’s third participation in the tournament, with the men’s and women’s teams each winning bronze medals last year. Upon returning, the athletes visited Auckland and Christchurch Temple, expressing gratitude for the friendships fostered through the Fo Guang Cup. The Basketball New Zealand website also features information about the Fo Guang Cup, detailing the event’s origins and player profiles, and expressing gratitude to the Founder of Fo Guang Shan Buddhist Temple, the organisers and supporters. The New Zealand team cherishes the honour of competing in this prestigious event.


Nibun Chorus from Taiwan Visited FGS Auckland Heavenly Voices Spread Positive Energy

Fo Guang Shan New Zealand July 22, 2024 The 13th World Choir Games 2024 were held grandly in Auckland, New Zealand from 10 to 20 July. Over 200 choirs with more than 10,000 participants from around the globe attend, including nine choirs from Taiwan, comprising about 400 people. On 18 July, over 80 members of the Nibun Chorus from Liugui, Kaohsiung, Taiwan visited the Fo Guang Shan Auckland Temple at the invitation of Advisor Meggan LAM of BLIA North Island. They were warmly received by FGS Auckland Venerable Rulian, Chief Advisor Jennifer LIANG of BLIA North Island Chapter and the Team. Abbess Manshin of FGS NZ had commitments at the Christchurch Temple,  she expressed her concern for the choir through a video call, informing the Auckland team to prepare a delicious meal to uplift the group. Abbess hoped the meal would rejuvenate them, filling them with confidence and joy for the next day’s competition, encouraging the choir to offer their best performance on stage. Each member also received a blessing apple, wishing for a safe journey. Choir conductor Jun-Zhi CHEN shared his annual visits to Fo Guang Shan Headquarter at Kaohsiung for the Chinese New Year Lantern Festival, expressing his surprise and delight at finding a similar sense of home in New Zealand. He was moved by the Temple’s hospitality, which provided them with much-needed blessings and energy, especially resonating with wise words from the Venerable Master: Money can buy slaves but not affection; Money can buy people but not hearts. Conductor Chen shared that many choir members were survivors of the Morakot typhoon, and their growth over the past 15 years was full of challenges. He encouraged the group to cherish all affinities and bring this positive energy to their performance. One student recounted being rescued by helicopter during the typhoon and brought to Fo Guang Shan, expressing gratitude for the Temple’s care. Nick Yoong of the BLIA North Island Chapter led the group for a Temple tour, highlighting the local contributions of FGS New Zealand, allowing the visitors to experience the cultural atmosphere of the Temple. As they walked along the courtyard, they felt transported back to Taiwan, exclaiming, It’s so beautiful, just like being at home. They learned that the vibrant colours of the Prince Siddhartha Exhibition were the result of countless individual wishes and contributions, inspiring everyone to fill out wishing cards and draw wise words from Venerable Master Hsing Yun. They then watched a video of Venerable Master’s calligraphy, gaining insights into the Founding Master of Fo Guang Shan. Nick shared that the Grand Master often said do not look at my calligraphy, but look at my heart, comparing it to the choir’s heartfelt singing that transcends beyond languages and touches everyone. The students thanked the Temple for the delightful dinner, expressing how it tasted like a home-cooked meal. Before departing, they performed a beautiful choral piece as a gesture of gratitude to the Temple. Venerable Rulian presented the students with New Zealand propolis candy, beautiful pencils and bookmarks, encouraging them to practise the principles of Three Acts of Goodness & Four Givings and to live by the Five Harmonies for a happy and fulfilling life. She wished the choir the best in spreading pure, sincere and beautiful music to the world and achieving outstanding results in the competition. On 20 July, the Nibun Chorus brought exciting news, winning two gold medals in the categories of Folk and Indigenous Music with Accompaniment and Contemporary Mixed Voice Music. Their melodious singing, like the voice of heaven, amazed the judges. The students also recorded a video to thank Fo Guang Shan and express their gratitude for the blessings that made their journey successful.


Nan Tien Institute Dharma Talk to Spread Compassion and Care

Francis Wong July 19, 2024 Nan Tien Institute in collaboration with Deakin University, Western Sydney University, and Charles Sturt University, is carrying out a research project on "Buddhism in Australia." On 22 June, Venerable Dr. Jue Wei, Head of Program for Humanistic Buddhism, Director of the Humanistic Buddhism Centre, visited Brisbane to conduct a-field investigations. Organized by Nan Tien Institute student Jose Ruben Castro, Venerable Dr. Jue Wei delivered a Dharma Talk at the Logan Public Library, hosted by the Refugee Association of Logan. The Dharma Talk, titled "MettāVerses: Building Communities of Loving Kindness," was attended by the association's president, Chris Miranda, along with 12 members from Africa, Malaysia, South America, and Australia. Venerable Dr. Jue Wei pointed out several prevalent issues facing society today, including global climate change, societal uncertainty and complexity, mental health challenges, increasing atomization of communities, erosion of social cohesion and kindness, and the challenges posed by artificial intelligence. Venerable Dr. Jue Wei emphasized that these issues reflect the inner consciousness of humanity. Quoting Venerable Master Hsing Yun, the founder of Fo Guang Shan, Venerable Dr. Jue Wei explained that "compassion" is kindness and unconditional love or friendly treatment of all beings. It is about selflessly serving and helping others with wisdom, without expecting anything in return. "How do we face and solve these problems?" Venerable Dr. Jue Wei suggested embracing and addressing issues through "MettāVerses." She described "MettāVerses" as communities and networks where everyone practices and implements loving-kindness. The goal is to develop strategies to break habits of self-centeredness, shifting focus from capitalist consumption to compassionate and kind communities. Venerable Dr. Jue Wei emphasized that "MettāVerses" can reduce stress and anxiety, improve emotional health, promote empathy and gratitude, and aid in healing from trauma. "Kindness does not belong to any religion; it is a universal human value," Venerable Dr. Jue Wei said, introducing a simple "Kindness Circle" game. Participants stood in a circle and took turns giving sincere compliments to the person on their right, experiencing both giving and receiving praise. The game aimed to encourage reflection on the power of small acts of kindness and the feelings of happiness and hope for the future, demonstrating the strength of compassion. Venerable Dr. Jue Wei further emphasized that communities provide a sense of belonging. Through "MettāVerses," people can understand the importance of interconnectedness, cohesion, and mutual cooperation within the community. She encouraged everyone to practice "MettāVerses" in daily life, serving others with unconditional love and working together to build a harmonious society. All participants resonated deeply with this intergenerational, interfaith, and multicultural Dharma Talk. They felt enriched and eager to share the message of kindness with others, hoping to apply the principles of "MettāVerses" in their lives.


BLIA Solomon Islands held its first Humanistic Buddhism Study Group reading Venerable Master Hsing Yun's Between Ignorance and Enlightenment Book 3 article "The Truth of Impermanence"

Claudia Hii July 17, 2024 Buddha's Light International Association of Solomon Islands (BLIASI) held its first Humanistic Buddhism study group on the 14th of July, 2024 facilitated by the President of BLIA, Hii Yii Ging. A total of 12 members participated with each person sharing their thoughts on the topic of “impermanence”, while discussing how to apply what they have learned in daily life. Before the group read the article, participants wrote down their questions and thoughts that they had on the topic, such as “Is there a definition of impermanence?”, “What is the meaning of impermanence in Buddhism?”, “I want to understand impermanence in order to improve my way of thinking.” President of BLIASI, Hii Yii Ging, read the article “The Truth of Impermanence” from book 3 of Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s Between Ignorance and Enlightenment series. He followed the reading by sharing his own experiences of impermanence in the Solomon Islands over the past 38 years, in particular, the 2006 riots that burned buildings throughout Chinatown, the changes in business environment and policies over the years, as well as further riots in 2019, which resulted in the loss of his house and offices. However, despite all of these experiences, he expressed his appreciation for the teaching of impermanence, as it provided him with the opportunity to cultivate a positive attitude in the face of adversity, as well as a way to adapt and face unpredictable changes. Vice President of BLIASI, Ed Wei, also contributed to the discussion. He shared that although the role of “impermanence” in Asian culture is to persuade others to do good, through its portrayal in multimedia such as film and television, people often fear and reject the word “impermanence”. He shared that from Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s article, he learned that impermanence is a process and phenomenon in the lives of all beings. It has encouraged him to appreciate and feel more of the joys that life brings. Although difficulties may arise in life, hope and joy can also be found.  This inspired BLIASI member, Huang Juan, to share about her journey from her hometown in China to the Solomon Islands. She experienced many of the unpredictabilities of life but a quote from Venerable Master’s article, “Don’t let the bad go, and the good won’t come”, encourages her to be more active and seize the moment, as well as to care more about her family and participate in charitable activities. Liu Lidong attended as a friend of BLIA, but after the conclusion of the study group, signed up as a member. He shared that when he initially saw the topic it was something that he felt did not resonate with him. However, after listening to various members enthusiastically sharing what they found beneficial and touching about the article, he had a moment where he understood the truth that all things are impermanent; and those who understand this are able to improve their lives. He further shared that everyone should accept that impermanence is a part of life and to find solutions in times of hardship. He expressed that he wishes to share the concept of impermanence with his family and friends so that they are able to lead more joyful lives. This was followed by Xu Jinxin, a friend of BLIA and also a newly registered BLIASI member after the conclusion of the study group, who readily shared examples and the significance of impermanence in his life. Through the teachings of impermanence, he will cherish every moment, and all that he does and experiences in life. BLIASI member, Alan Ngu, shared the importance of understanding impermanence in our modern life, as it serves as a reminder that we should cultivate a positive attitude and the ability to successfully adjust through life’s changes. He expressed his gratitude for impermanence as no matter whether things are good or bad, it has taught him to appreciate the present and remain steadfast. BLIASI member, Huang Yaochi, shared that the study group’s chosen article filled him with the joy of the Dharma and he gained a lot from reading it. In particular, that life is ever changing and unpredictable with this concept being applicable to individuals and the greater universe. He shared examples of global impermanence, such as the recent news reports in May on the excessively high temperatures in India caused by global warming. Consequently, he shared and learned that in the midst of impermanence, we must have the courage to reflect, improve our thoughts, not to be afraid of change and to be happy. He also looks forward to the changes brought about by impernance in life. Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s article, “The Truth of Impermanence” has allowed BLIASI members to understand that impermanence is a truth of life and an inevitable phenomenon that all people encounter, together, members encourage each other to face impermanence with a positive mind and cherish every moment in life. At the session’s conclusion, many members expressed that they are looking forward to next month’s Humanistic Buddhism study group to continue learning about how Humanistic Buddhism can be applied and practiced in daily life.


The 26th ANZBYC Concluded Joyfully, Flag Handed to Perth YAD

Fo Guang Shan New Zealand July 16, 2024 The 26th ANZBYC concluded successfully on 7th July 2024 at Fo Guang Shan Auckland. During the closing ceremony, the ANZBYC flag was handed over from the BLIA Auckland Young Adult Division (YAD) to the Perth YAD, who will host the next conference in 2025. Distinguished guests at the ceremony included Venerable Abbess Manshin of Fo Guang Shan NZ, List Member of Parliament Ms Nancy LU, Senior Sergeant Anson LIN from the Counties Manukau, Member of the Howick Local Board Ms Adele White, Editor Farida Master of Small Business Heroes magazine and Advisor Lintao YU of BLIA North Island Chapter. Additionally, the Chief Abbess of FGS Oceania Venerable Manko, along with several Venerables and presidents from BLIA Oceania, attended the ceremony via Zoom, with over 200 participants both online and in person. Abbess Manshin led the participants in giving a warm round of applause to Chief Abbess Manko and the online participants who joined the closing ceremony virtually. Abbess shared, The greatest honour of my life is following Venerable Master Hsing Yun, the Founder of Fo Guang Shan. I am grateful for the Venerable Master’s selfless compassion and profound wisdom. The Abbess presented certificates to the various state YAD Groups and encouraged the next host, the Perth YAD, with the Founder’s words, Live Among the People, Create Collectively. 2024 ANZBYC Chairperson AnnJo Chong delivered a speech expressing gratitude to Abbess Manshin and the Temple for their strong support, as well as to the committee team and BLIA members for their hard work in making this conference a success. She also thanked the speakers for their inspirational lectures, which provided many insights to the participants. She emphasised to the participants to remember that The Temple is our Home, and a beacon guiding us forward. May this conference be a source of inspiration and growth for all of us. List MP Nancy LU described the Fo Guang Shan Temple as a Home to her and expressed her delight at seeing the youth from Australia returning home. She mentioned that the unknown and challenges are a constant in life, as well as opportunities for progress and breakthroughs. The participants are fortunate to have Abbess Manshin and the Temple team to guide them with wisdom and Truth. Advisor Lintao YU recalled his first participation in 2013 ANZBYC in Auckland, during a time when he was searching for the meaning of life. He remarked that it is a remarkable achievement to see the youth who were once teenagers grow into leaders. He stated that ANZBYC is the cornerstone for YAD in Oceania, providing nourishment and inspiration for growth. The Oceania YAD are not only participants but also contributors to its rich 26 year history, and Advisor YU encouraged participants to continue working together to shape a brighter future. David Chen, representative of the Perth YAD, congratulated everyone on the successful conclusion of the 26th ANZBYC and thanked Abbess Manshin and the BLIA New Zealand YAD for their dedication and effort. He expressed that the theme for next year is Finding Inner Peace in the Heart, welcoming everyone to Perth and carrying on the ANZBYC legacy. During the conference, the participants engaged in various courses and discussions across different topics, strengthening their faith and moving forward with the right attitude. The Auckland YAD created a video review of the activities, allowing everyone to relive the conference’s highlights. The closing ceremony concluded on a warm and hopeful note with the performances of I Have Faith and Star & Cloud.


2024 ANZBYC Empowerment Through the Light of Wisdom & Gratitude

Fo Guang Shan New Zealand July 15, 2024 The second day of the 26th Australia New Zealand Buddhist Youth Conference (ANZBYC) on 6th July 2024 featured key thematic sharing sessions. Highlights included presentations by New Zealand Paralympic gold medalist and world record holder shooter Michael Johnson MNZM and Senior Constable Matt Green from the New Zealand Police School Community Officer Team. BLIA Lay Dharma Lecturer Dr Eric Chan, along with six youth leaders, facilitated interactive discussions. Edwin Teoh, leader of the BLIA YAD Auckland, invited representatives from Oceania for a panel session. The evening also included Fo Guang Night with dance performances from different states. The day concluded with a heartwarming light offering ceremony and heart to heart session led by Abbess Manshin of FGS NZ at the Main Shrine. Michael Johnson shared his story of becoming paralyzed from the neck down due to a spinal cord injury caused by a car accident at the age of 22. After discovering a brochure, he decided to try shooting sports. To his surprise, he won a gold medal at the Paralympic Games within a year, breaking the world record. In the session, Michael emphasised that his initial aspiration was to follow his passion, strive to be the best shooter and transcend physical limitations, focusing not on winning medals but on challenging his limits and honouring his country. He shared seven insights to encourage the youth 1. Embrace the Struggle 2. Maintain Your Vision 3. Be Patient & Persistent 4. Adapt & Evolve 5. Seek Support 6. Celebrate Small Wins 7. Stay True to Yourself Snr Const Green has participated in the FGS Auckland 3G4G Festival of Cultural Sharing for seven consecutive years, promoting community safety awareness through interactions with students and the Temple. He highlighted that the values of the New Zealand Police, Professionalism, Respect, Integrity, Commitment, Empathy, Diversity—align closely with the ideals of Coexistence & Coprosperity. Snr Const Green shared his experiences of engaging the local students with the Temple and affirmed that FGS Auckland is a stage for young people to express their passion and value. Auckland YAD leader Edwin Teoh led the panel session, inviting eight youth leaders from Australia and New Zealand to share their academic journeys, careers and spiritual practice. Representatives included Muyang Wang from Auckland, Serinna Ha from Melbourne, Francis Li from Queensland, HuiWen Lim from Western Australia, Elaine Huang from Christchurch, Daimi Zhang from Sydney, David Chen from Perth and KarWei Choo from Melbourne. They discussed how the wisdom of the Founder, Venerable Master’s teachings, such as Be Your Own Master, Stay True to Initial Aspiration, Where There is Dharma, There is a Way, I am Among the People and Busy is Nourishment, has empowered them. The Fo Guang Night featured a lively performance of songs and dances by participants from Oceania, culminating in an enthusiastic atmosphere. The host, BLIA New Zealand, led the participants in singing the theme song Open Your Heart, igniting the passion of everyone present.


2024 ANZBYC Eminent Leaders Share Insights on the Power of Initial Aspirations

Fo Guang Shan New Zealand July 12, 2024 The 2024 Australia New Zealand Buddhist Youth Conference (ANZBYC) commenced on 5th July at the Fo Guang Shan Buddhist Temple in Auckland, New Zealand. The opening day featured interactive sessions, keynote speeches and thought-provoking panel discussion led by Venerable Abbess Manshin of FGS New Zealand, Advisor of Lintao YU of BLIA North Island Chapter, Lay Dharma Lecturer Dr Eric Chan, Auckland City Councillor Hon Maurice Williamson, NZP Director of Partnership Tāmaki Makaurau Superintendent Scott Gemmell, Senior Sergeant Anson LIN and Small Business Hero Magazine Editor Farida Master. Throughout the day, the eminent leaders share insights on the power of initial aspirations. Advisor YU facilitated a series of reflecting questions, prompting participants to ponder What are the fundamental foundations and meanings of life? Dr Eric Chan delivered a keynote speech, sharing his empirical experiences on how the strength of one’s initial aspirations can drive life’s progress. With over 30 years in the New Zealand Parliament, Hon Williamson, who has held ministerial positions in 11 departments including Transport, Communications, Customs, Technology and Building, also served as New Zealand’s Ambassador to the United States, provided insights into the changes and opportunities in the information age and shared his vision for future technological advancements. Where do our initial aspirations come from? Supt Gemmell reflected on his personal experience, stating that his desire to protect youth and prevent others from experiencing the bullying he endured in school led him to join the NZP at the age of 16. Snr Sgt LIN shared that he decided to attend police school after moving to New Zealand at 19 and being inspired by the dignified image of the police in television adverts. Editor Master recounted her love for writing and the power of storytelling to connect hearts and communities. How do we maintain our initial aspirations and face challenges? Snr Sgt LIN noted that while completing his law studies, he found that his career in policing allowed him to serve the public more effectively. Supt Gemmell shared that his work over the past 20 years on numerous life-and-death matters was greatly supported by the wise teachings in 366 Days with Wisdom by the Founder, Venerable Master Hsing Yun. He learned that embracing faith and living in the present moment empowers one to move forward. Farida Master concluded by expressing how Fo Guang Shan’s inclusivity resonated with her, and through the practice of the Three Acts of Goodness and Four Givings (3G4G), she saw the gravitational pull of faith. While buildings are constructed with bricks and mortar, a Temple is achieved through humility, insight and understanding. We need healthy bodies to support our ambitions. The Venerable Master once said, ‘Hurry up, there’s no time to waste,’ highlighting the urgency of the passage of time, Abbess Manshin advised the youth, encouraging them to harness the strength of their hearts, care about their futures and ensure their gratitude is deeply rooted. Abbess shared her initial aspiration of overseeing the construction of the Auckland Temple, aiming for everyone entering the Temple to feel a sense of serenity and ease without a word, reconnecting with the core of their being. Minister in Charge of FGS Auckland, Venerable Rulian addressed the youth, emphasising the importance of enlightenment, turning on the light of wisdom, when faced with life’s crossroads, following one’s initial aspirations to find a clear path forward. The heartfelt and genuine stories shared by the speakers created a transformative learning atmosphere, prompting enthusiastic questions from participants and fostering a deeply engaging and impactful environment.


The Grand Opening of the 2024 ANZBYC – Stay True to Initial Aspirations

Fo Guang Shan New Zealand July 11, 2024 On 5th July 2024, the 26th Australia New Zealand Buddhist Youth Conference (ANZBYC) grandly opened at Fo Guang Shan Auckland in New Zealand. The event was graced by Venerable Abbess Manshin of Fo Guang Shan New Zealand, Deputy Mayor of Auckland Ms Desley Simpson, District Commander of Counties Manukau Superintendent Shanan Gray, Councillors Hon Maurice Williamson and Ms Sharon Stewart. In addition, the Head Abbot of FGS Buddhist Order from HQ, Most Venerable HsinBau and BLIA YAD World Headquarters Executive Director Venerable HuiChuan, sent congratulatory messages through video. Nearly 230 people attended, including youths from Australia & New Zealand, BLIA members and professionals from diverse sectors. The ceremony also welcomed Chair Damian Light of the Howick Local Board, Editor Ms Farida Master of Small Business Heroes magazine, BLIA Lay Dharma Lecturer Dr Eric Chan and Advisor Lintao YU of BLIA North Island Chapter. The Chief Abbess of FGS Oceania Venerable Manko, along with other Venerables participated online. The theme, Stay True to Initial Aspiration: Coexistence and Co-prosperity, embarked on a three-day exploration of life topics. The conference began with the leaders from the Young Adult Divisions marching in with flags, followed by a karakia by elder Matua Jeff Tukua and a welcoming performance by Flat Bush Primary School, involving 54 teachers and students, led by Principal Banapa Avatea. Most Venerable HsinBau, emphasises that Stay True to Initial Aspiration means not forgetting the Bodhi Mind and practising with the concept of benefiting sentient beings. Most Venerable blessed everyone through the interactions and learning at the conference, they could apply wisdom in their daily lives and interpersonal relationships, deepening their faith. Venerable HuiChuan expressed joy in meeting everyone online, noting that the enthusiasm and commitment of the Australian and New Zealand youth resonated with the theme. He shared the example of the Founder, Venerable Master Hsing Yun, who faced many hardships from the age of twelve but never wavered in his resolve, encouraging the youth to continue to Stay True to Initial Aspiration on their path to accomplish individual achievement. Abbess Manshin quoted the Founder’s teaching that the initial aspiration is the first commitment to oneself, noting that the first ANZBYC in Australia in 1997 witnessed the Young Adult Divisions commit to personal development and social responsibility. Over nearly 30 years, the seed of this initial aspiration has grown into a forest. Abbess encouraged the youths to practise the principles of coexistence & prosperity and bring light to the community. The Chairperson AnnJo Chong of 2024 ANZBYC welcomed the participants and was grateful to the 9 lecturers to share their wisdom and experiences to the participants, deeply exploring life topics. AnnJo also expressed her heartfelt thanks to Abbess Manshin for her unwavering support since the first Auckland ANZBYC in 2007, nurturing the youth with dedication and a compassionate heart. Deputy Mayor Desley Simpson highlighted the importance of Buddhism to New Zealand, enriching culture, promoting harmony and enhancing happiness. Ms Simpson thanked the Temple team for creating a beautiful Garden, and cultivating a generation of responsible and compassionate citizens. Superintendent Shanan Gray emphasised the valued relationship with Fo Guang Shan Buddhist Order, hoping for further development: “With over 500,000 people from 150 different cultural backgrounds in the district, New Zealand Police will continue to protect the public and aspire the youth to become future leaders.” The conference was filled with the joyous atmosphere of youth from six cities across Australia and New Zealand. The Auckland organising committee performed a captivating Dunhuang dance and sang the uplifting theme song Open Your Heart, infusing the opening ceremony with youthful energy.

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