FGS News

Hsi Lai Girl Scouts Earn Top Honors: Service Shapes Tomorrow's Leaders

Fo Guang Shan Hsi Lai Temple July 22, 2024 On June 2, 2024, the Girl Scouts of Greater Los Angeles (GSGLA) hosted the Gold Award Ceremony at the Pasadena Civic Auditorium. Molly Huang and Allison Chieh from Buddha’s Light Hsi Lai Girl Scout Troop 18894 received the prestigious Gold Award for their projects "Project No Distance" and "Better Environment, Better Tomorrow," respectively. Venerable Zhi San, the Guiding Venerable of Hsi Lai Girl Scouts, along with 15 family members and friends, attended the event. Nearly a thousand attendees celebrated the achievements of 207 awardees. The Gold Award projects addressed themes such as humanitarian care, environmental protection, healthcare, and conservation of animals and insects. The recipients, who are students in grades 9 to 12, choose their topics, plan the details, and contribute over 80 hours of community service. Only 6% of Girl Scouts nationwide receive this honor each year. GSGLA CEO Theresa Edy Kiene praised the awardees for demonstrating care, independence, perseverance, confidence, innovation, and community service through their projects. She affirmed that every Girl Scout is a future leader. Amid continuous applause and cheers from their families and friends, the awardees went on stage individually to receive their medals. The ceremony also featured videos showcasing the project names and gratitude messages from the Girl Scouts. Molly Huang noticed that many clubs at her high school required membership to participate in activities, which discouraged student engagement, especially after the pandemic. To address this, she initiated "Project No Distance," encouraging student interaction and fostering a sense of community and belonging. Her project advisor, Mr. Shay Lohman, remarked on her leadership qualities and the positive impact of her project. Allison Chieh's Gold Award project, "Better Environment, Better Tomorrow," focuses on environmental sustainability. She designed courses, videos, websites, and activities for middle school students to raise awareness about environmental issues. Her project advisor, Mr. Arnel Redoblado, who also guided her Silver Award project, expressed pride in witnessing Allison's growth and dedication to community service. Venerable Zhi San highlighted the perseverance required to achieve the Gold Award. He encouraged the Girl Scouts to continue striving for the welfare of others and to help improve lives.


From Duck Farm to Urban Greenway: Fo Guang Members Join Forces for Conservation in Los Angeles County

Fo Guang Shan Hsi Lai Temple July 19, 2024 The San Gabriel River Park in Avocado Heights, Los Angeles County, had its grand opening on June 8. Fo Guang Shan Hsi Lai Temple and the Buddha's Light International Association Los Angeles Chapter (BLIA LA) were among over 40 organizations invited to promote ecological conservation at the event. Nearly 700 people gathered to celebrate the transformation of the former duck farm into an urban greenway, a project over 20 years in the making. Mark Stanley, Director of the Watershed Conservation Authority (WCA), hosted the ceremony. Los Angeles County District One Supervisor Hilda L. Solis spoke on the theme "Rewilding Urban Spaces," highlighting the park's significance. The 30-acre park, located along the San Gabriel River, has completed its first phase. Once fully developed, it will connect 10 cities in the San Gabriel Valley through a 17-mile loop. The park features riverside viewing platforms and botanical gardens, designed to link the community with nature and the river, offering more green spaces and ideal habitats for migratory birds and wildlife. The park's transformation began in 2001 when the WCA purchased the land from a duck farm and started converting the nutrient-rich duck manure soil into an environment suitable for native plants. Norma E. García-González, Director of the Los Angeles County Department of Parks and Recreation, spoke about the park's history and the efforts to turn it into an urban greenway. She thanked everyone involved in the project. During the ceremony, Hilda L. Solis and various unit directors planted trees. Andrew Guiding Young Cloud Morales and Chief Anthony Red Blood Morales, missionaries from the Gabrielino San Gabriel Band of Mission Indians, offered blessings. A herd of goats, which will help maintain the park's ecological balance, also made an appearance. The ceremony concluded with the release of butterflies, symbolizing the park's return to nature. The event featured Latin music and folk dancers. Valley Vista Services (VVS), the Los Angeles County Public Works Department, and the Natural Areas Division of the Los Angeles County Department of Parks and Recreation promoted composting, tree planting, and wildlife conservation. Visitors had the chance to see various reptiles up close, with some even daring to wear a python as a scarf, delighting the children. Fo Guang Shan Hsi Lai Temple shared the English book series "Buddhism in Every Step" with the public. The Fo Guang Hsi Lai Scouts BSA Pack 8888 and BLIA LA promoted the "Vege Plan A" project, encouraging a vegetarian diet to reduce carbon emissions and protect the earth. They distributed vegetable and fruit seeds and potting soil. Lay Dharma lecturer Min Li explained Venerable Master Hsing Yun's "Humble Table, Wise Fare," while Sacha de Nijs led outdoor yoga sessions to connect people with nature.


Fo Guang Shan Tsung Lin University Overseas Exchange Tour Visits Renowned Universities in Toronto

Fo Guang Shan Temple of Toronto July 19, 2024 From July 10 to 11, 2023, Venerable Chueh Fan, Abbess of Fo Guang Shan Temple of Toronto, and Venerable Zhi Guan led a delegation of students and teachers from Fo Guang Shan Tsung Lin University, along with three students from Fo Guang University, to visit prominent educational institutions in the Toronto area for academic exchanges. The purpose of this visit was to broaden the international views of students and share the concepts of Humanistic Buddhism with scholars. Venerable Chueh Fan emphasized that Humanistic Buddhism must evolve with time, integrating modern technology and human care to serve all beings. On July 10, the group visited Wilfrid Laurier Universityin Waterloo, one of Canada’s fastest-growing universities, known for its diverse and inclusive campus culture. The visit included Martin Luther University College and its Delton Glebe Counselling Centre. Elma Plant, the centre's director, warmly welcomed the group and introduced the centre’s history, mission, and services, emphasizing the importance of spirituality andinter personal relationships in psychotherapy, which aligns with the principles of Humanistic Buddhism. At Martin Luther University College, Rev. Dr. AnneAnderson and Dr. Mitra Barua showcased the university’s multicultural and interfaith campus, highlightingthe integration of culture, art, psychotherapy, and community care. Dr. Baruanoted the insights that Buddhist studies can provide for psychotherapy. Venerable Zhi Nian led the students in a tea meditation session, discussing the application of Humanistic Buddhism in modern life and emphasizing the importance of meditative concentration and courage in facing challenges for mental health. In the evening, young members of the University of Waterloo Buddha's Light Community Club guided a campus tour, introducing the campus life of modern youth. On July 11, Venerable Chueh Fan, Venerable Zhi Guan, Venerable Ru An, and the group visited the University of Toronto, established in 1827 and recognized as Canada’s largest and most comprehensive university with world-leading research and teaching standards. The visit focused on Victoria University, which includes Victoria College (focused on arts and sciences) and Emmanuel College (the largest theological school associated with the United Church of Canada). At Emmanuel College, Buddhist scholar Professor Henry Shiu introduced Buddhist theology through the lens of the Heart Sutra, sharing his efforts to promote academic understanding of religious experiences, including meditation, chanting rituals, and the value of understanding sutras. Professor Jennifer Bright, through a video presentation, discussed "Buddhismand Psychotherapy," sharing her personal experiences in guiding and supporting terminally ill individuals with the help of Buddhist teachings. Venerable Zhi Nian led a discussion on "Humanistic Buddhism and Education for the Modern World, "introducing the educational philosophy of Fo Guang Shan’s founder, Venerable Master Hsing Yun, and the global educational system of Fo Guang Shan, including the Sons of Zulai Program in Brazil, Guang Ming College, and the Hope Villages in India. In the afternoon, the group discussed with Emmanuel College Principal Dr. HyeRan Kim Cragg, exploring future collaboration opportunities. Venerable Chueh Fan briefed on Fo Guang Shan Temple of Toronto’s efforts in community spiritual care and children's education, and introducedthe Fo Guang Shan Institute of Humanistic Buddhism, inviting the principal and professors to visit the Fo Guang Shan Monastery in Taiwan. The students and teachers of Fo Guang Shan Tsung Lin University expressed gratitude for the overseas exchange tour, which broadened their international views. The exchange with renowned institutions like the University of Toronto also laid a foundation for future academic collaborations, opening a new chapter for the localization of Humanistic Buddhism.


Hsi Lai English Buddhist Retreat Begins: Embarking on a Journey of Wisdom

Fo Guang Shan Hsi Lai Temple July 18, 2024 On June 9, Fo Guang Shan Hsi Lai Temple held the opening ceremony for its English Buddhist Retreat. Seventeen young adults, averaging 27 years old, from California, Texas, Nevada, Illinois, Wisconsin, Massachusetts, and Florida, will study together for two weeks. This diverse group aims to deepen their self-understanding and face life with wisdom through a comprehensive Buddhist curriculum that balances theory and practice. Venerable Hui Dong, the abbot, emphasized in his speech that Buddhist studies go beyond book knowledge and meditation. The two-week course is designed to provide a holistic understanding, enhancing wisdom and mindfulness through personal insight and practice. The structured life at the temple offers opportunities for self-reflection and transformation. Group practice fosters mutual support, compassion, and self-sacrifice, contributing to the collective goal of helping others. Venerable Hui Dong encouraged participants to persevere through the program and gifted them "The Biography of Sakyamuni Buddha" by Venerable Master Hsing Yun, symbolizing the enduring wisdom of Fo Guang Shan's founding master. Whittier College Professor Paul Kjellberg also spoke, noting the transformation experienced by previous participants of the Hsi Lai English Buddhist Retreat. He acknowledged that challenges along the way contribute to personal growth and expects current participants to undergo a similar transformative journey over the two weeks. The curriculum includes a wide range of subjects: the life and teachings of Venerable Master Hsing Yun, Humanistic Buddhism, morning and evening chanting, Dharma services, chore work, sutra transcription, temple tours, Buddhist etiquette, scriptural Q&A, meditation, tea meditation guidance, Buddhist studies and psychological counseling, Buddhism and art, vegetarian cooking, and group discussions. During the self-introductions, Grace Fitzpatrick expressed her hope to enhance her mindfulness through the retreat's courses. Michelle Lynn Harvey, who works in the entertainment industry with high-tech innovations like Artificial Intelligence (AI), hoped to cultivate concentration amidst rapidly changing technology. Sebastian Gonzalez aimed to shape a better self by learning the true essence of Buddhism. Suneet Joshi thanked the compassionate teachers and counselors for helping him see his attachment to self. Among the nine staff and counselors, four were participants from last year, including Brian Lo, who hosted the opening ceremony. Kai Chen shared that last year's program made him a more diligent practitioner and that the retreat provides a unique and sincere guidance experience unlike any other. Graciela Rodriguez said the retreat provided precious answers to her life's questions, and she believes this year's participants will benefit greatly as well.


Fo Guang Shan Temple of Ottawa Vegetarian Food Fair Press Conference: Enhancing Joy through Sensory Experiences

Fo Guang Shan Temple of Ottawa July 18, 2024 Fo Guang Shan Temple of Ottawa held a press conference on June 13th to promote to the community, the "Fo Guang Vegetarian Food Fair" scheduled for July 7th 2024. The attendance of notable figures including Binbin Yang楊彬彬, editor of Health Times; Ding Mansu, host of Rogers TV's "Reflections of China"; Li Jingmei , marketing manager of Ottawa Zine; and, Wang Yang , a local social media personality. The press conference was moderated by Lydia Wang, Coordinator of Culture and Education. Venerable Yung Ku, the Abbess of Fo Guang Shan Temple of Ottawa, along with key members of the International Buddha's Light Association (BLIA) Ottawa Chapter—including Vice President Lu Lu,  Treasurer Felicia Xie; CK Chong, the president of the Bodhi Subchapter and chief organizer of the Food Fair, and Du Zheng, the chief organizer of the Three Acts of Goodness Cup basketball tournament — collectively described the highlights of this year's Fo Guang Vegetarian Food Fair to the media representatives. In addition to continuing their support for the "Vege Plan A" and the global charitable run "VEGRUN," and, initiating environmental tree-planting activities under the slogan "You Run, We Plant", this year's most significant features include the concurrent hosting of the "Three Acts of Goodness Cup" friendly basketball tournament, and photography exhibition of Tsai Jung-feng, titled "India's Village of Hope: Illuminating the Spiritual Light in Darkness." Venerable Master Hsing Yun, founder of Fo Guang Shan, once remarked, "Basketball is the most compassionate sport." The principles of adhering to rules, respecting opponents, and having the courage to admit mistakes align with Buddhist beliefs. Through basketball, one can cultivate personal virtues like gratitude, courage, agility, and cooperation. Guided by this philosophy, the inaugural "Three Acts of Goodness Cup" friendly basketball tournament aims to foster positive connections and use sports as a medium for propagating the Dharma, thereby expanding community engagement. Du Zheng, the Scout leader and chief organizer of this friendly tournament, provided details about the basketball competition. Renowned Taiwanese photographer Tsai Jung-feng will showcase the activities of "Village of Hope" educational project of the Buddha's Light International Association World Headquarters in Chennai, India. Through his keen sensitivity and compassionate heart, he has visually captured countless narratives and stories of individuals facing hardship. Dozens of these poignant photographs will be exhibited in the main hall. This year's Fo Guang Vegetarian Food Fair will feature nearly a hundred varieties of vegetarian delicacies, with an emphasis on creating an "immersive experience". Media representatives were offered tastings of kantodaki, tornado potatoes, vegetarian bums, Sichuan-style skewers, Vietnamese lemongrass vegetarian dishes, and an array of Southeast Asian desserts. Various hand-shaken beverages, Non-Self tea, and peach gum-snow fungus dessert soup were also available. The on-site preparation of okonomiyaki filled the air with an enticing aroma, prompting immediate consumption. The attending media representatives expressed both joy and anticipation. BinBin Yang, editor of Health Times, specifically commented: "I'm delighted today. This year's menu has more diverse, with distinct flavors, and the on-site preparation adds to the ambiance. I believe this year's fair will attract even more participants than last year."


Hsi Lai Senior Graduation: Shining Golden Years with Fivefold Education

Fo Guang Shan Hsi Lai Temple July 17, 2024 On June 16, Father’s Day, Hsi Lai Temple hosted the graduation ceremony and achievement exhibition for the 25th term of its Senior Activity Program. Held in the Auditorium, nearly 40 senior students, including two centenarians, showcased their "Golden Age Learning" spirit to around 200 attendees, including teachers, friends, and family. They highlighted their accomplishments in the "Fivefold Education" and shared their vision of "actively implementing Humanistic Buddhism and creating a Pure Land on Earth." Before the ceremony, handcrafted exhibits outside the Auditorium drew a large crowd. Attendees admired artworks such as Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva portraits, 3D origami, lucky cat red envelopes, and intricate pull-out cards and gift boxes. Xuejian Qian, the Executive Director of the Senior Activity Program, opened the event with a welcome speech, expressing gratitude to Venerable Master Hsing Yun, the founding master of Fo Guang Shan, and the public for their support since the program's inception in 2016. Venerable Hui Dong, the abbot of Hsi Lai Temple, praised the collaboration behind the scenes and noted how the seniors' artworks reflected their inner joy and compassion. He wished everyone complete blessings and wisdom, and collective enlightenment. Li Jie Yeh, the Director of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Los Angeles, affectionately referred to the seniors as "big brothers and sisters," sparking laughter. He expressed deep admiration for their boundless potential. Walnut City Council member Allen Wu emphasized that Humanistic Buddhism benefits society by soothing people's minds, a necessary force for all age groups. Distinguished guests included Juliette Zhuo, CEO of Primetime TV in Los Angeles, and Vice Presidents of the Buddha's Light International Association Los Angeles Chapter: Steven Chow, Connie Yip, and Echo Tsai. Venerable Yi Shan, the superintendent of Hsi Lai Temple, awarded certificates to students and counselors with perfect attendance. Venerable Yi Chao, the guiding venerable of the Senior Activity Program, presented gifts to the teaching staff, while Venerable Hui Dong distributed gifts to all counselors. "Mother Dong," Hanfang Li, Venerable Hui Dong's mother, expressed gratitude for the program's care for seniors, embodying the spirit of Humanistic Buddhism’s Three Acts of Goodness and Four Givings. She felt accepted and joyful. Mian Lan Yang, a student since the 12th term, shared her connection with Hsi Lai Temple and her aspiration for a long, fulfilling life. Another student, Te Cheng Li, praised the program's diverse courses, which embody the Fivefold Education—cultivating moral development, intellectual growth, physical fitness, social interaction, and the realization of a beautiful life. The seniors performed 12 group and individual acts, including choir songs like "Buddha’s Light Verse," "Aspire for Bodhi," "Shurangama Mantra," Taiwanese versions of "Wholeheartedly," "Praise of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva," flute performances, and sing-alongs like "Fo Guang People Everywhere." Solo performances included the "Medicine Buddha Mantra" and Japanese and Taiwanese versions of "Farewell," along with physical exercises like Yi Jin Jing and aerobics. Students from Hsi Lai School demonstrated martial arts, while counselors performed the short play "The Rabbit and the Fish," illustrating mutual respect and harmonious coexistence. The audience's applause and laughter were continuous, with many taking photos and videos, clapping, singing along, cheering, exercising, and giving thumbs up. Attendee Ching Pan remarked that this was the best and busiest achievement exhibition she had ever attended. After the collective recitation of the "Volunteer Declaration of the Senior Activity Program," Venerable Yi Chao concluded with a speech. He praised the teaching staff and counselors for their Bodhisattva spirit and commended the seniors for their persistent learning during the pandemic. He also highlighted the seniors' strengths and talents, bringing smiles to their faces. The ceremony concluded with a group performance of "Light a Lamp," led by Venerable Hui Dong, offering roses to the fathers present, marking a perfect end to the event. The students look forward to continuing their "Golden Age Learning" journey at the next term’s opening ceremony on June 25.


Pure Mind is the Pure Land Tea Meditation at the Toronto Markham Centre

Fo Guang Shan Temple of Toronto July 17, 2024 On July 9th, Venerable Chueh Fan, Abbess of Fo Guang Shan Temple of Toronto, led the teachers and students from the Fo Guang Shan Tsung Lin University to host a tea and meditation event at the Buddha’s Light Center in Markham. Under the guidance of Venerable Zhi Nian, the teacher of the Tsung Lin University English Buddhist Department, the group of seven facilitated a "Tea and Ch’an are of One Taste" session. Nearly 60 devotees participated, engaging in the experience, sharing insights on Dharma, discussing the principles of Humanistic Buddhism, and emphasizing the importance of monastic education. In her address, Venerable Chueh Fan expressed heartfelt gratitude to the devotees for their long-standing support of Fo Guang Shan. She explained that the event was specifically arranged at the Buddha’s Light Center in Markham. This allowed participants to calm their minds and bodies in a serene and elegant environment through tea meditation, enabling a deep appreciation of "Tea and Ch’an are of One Taste" in Humanistic Buddhism. She also introduced the profound meaning of Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s "One-stroke Calligraphy," showcasing the cultural heritage of Buddhism and emphasizing the importance of broadening one’s heart in daily practice. She highlighted the significance of the "Three Acts of Goodness" and their benefits to oneself and others. Abbess then introduced Venerable Zhi Nian, teacher Xiaowen Wu, and five students from the English Buddhist Department. She emphasized that Venerable Master, the founder of Fo Guang Shan, placed great importance on youth and education. She underscored the significance of monastic education and encouraged devotees to introduce young people to study at Fo Guang Shan Tsung Lin University. She noted that studying at the Buddhist College does not necessarily require becoming a monastic. Venerable Zhi Nian expressed deep gratitude for the rare opportunity to connect with everyone at the Buddha’s Light Center in Markham. She shared that upon entering the center, she felt a harmonious atmosphere akin to that of a home. She reiterated Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s emphasis that Buddhism is a religion for the young: "Buddhism needs young people, and young people need Buddhism." Venerable Zhi Nian began the tea and meditation event with a guided meditation to calm participants' minds and invited them to fully immerse their bodies and minds into the Tea and Chan experience through the senses of eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, and mind. This practice allowed participants to experience the ordinary mind that is present and self-sufficient. Following this, students from Fo Guang Shan Tsung Lin University led everyone to appreciate the "original face" of tea leaves, progressively experiencing inner peace and tranquility. They also shared wisdom words from Venerable Master Hsing Yun, conveying the ideals of Humanistic Buddhism, similar to the teachings in the Vimalakirti Sutra, which revealed that a pure mind is the Pure Land. This helped everyone understand that the present moment is the Pure Land, and it requires everyone to create it together. After the Tea and Chan experience, the teachers and students introduced Fo Guang Shan Tsung Lin University through a video presentation. They sang "The Rhythm of the Buddhist Youth," encouraging the devotees to pass on the faith.


Hsi Lai Temple Dharma Talk: The Sixth Patriarch's Platform Sutra and Humanistic Life Chan

Fo Guang Shan Hsi Lai Temple July 16, 2024 On July 6, Hsi Lai Temple hosted a Dharma talk in the Auditorium, led by Venerable Hui Lun, Deputy Abbot of Fo Guang Shan Monastery. The talk, titled "The Sixth Patriarch's Platform Sutra: Humanistic Life Chan," explored the profound teachings of Chan and Humanistic Buddhism. The lecture was also simultaneously translated into English. Attendees included Venerable Hui Dong, Abbot of Hsi Lai Temple, and Alex Wu, President of the Buddha's Light International Association (BLIA) Los Angeles Chapter. The event drew 250 in-person participants and 120 online viewers. Venerable Hui Lun began by explaining the essence of Chan, likening its discovery to Newton's discovery of gravity—both existed long before they were recognized. He referenced the Buddha's "Flower Sermon" and Venerable Mahākāśyapa's smile, highlighting that every sentient being possesses an innate "Chan mind," or Buddha nature. The plaque behind the preserved body of the Sixth Patriarch Huineng at Nanhua Temple in Guangdong, China, bearing the phrase "True Face," succinctly captures this essence. Tracing the lineage of Chan, Venerable Hui Lun noted that the founding master of Fo Guang Shan, Venerable Master Hsing Yun, is the 48th patriarch of the Linji (Rinzai) lineage. Venerable Master Hsing Yun emphasized discovering one's innate awareness through daily practice. Venerable Hui Lun encouraged everyone to recognize the sacredness of Humanistic Buddhism. Quoting the Sixth Patriarch Huineng, "Dharma can only be found in the world, and enlightenment cannot be attained away from it," Venerable Hui Lun explained that the ultimate goal of Humanistic Life Chan practice is to recognize one's original mind and see one's true nature. This understanding reveals the non-dual Buddha nature. Amidst life's various disturbances, practitioners should avoid discriminatory thinking and constantly return to their innate pure nature. The practice involves avoiding evil, doing good, and purifying one's mind. It further develops into the cultivation of non-doing and non-attachment. In this world, one should cultivate a Bodhisattva's selfless spirit, developing the enlightened intention to benefit all beings and help others succeed. Venerable Hui Lun drew parallels between the BLIA members' creed and the Bodhisattva path's "Five Paths and Ten Grounds," encouraging everyone to follow Venerable Master Hsing Yun's teaching: "With a mind transcending the world, engage in worldly enterprises." Venerable Hui Lun also explained the third section of the Platform Sutra, "Resolving Doubts," emphasizing that the Sutra states there is "no merit" in giving if it is done with attachment. The merit of worldly deeds can vary, but the merit of one's true nature is unchanging and infinite. Therefore, merit should not be sought through the act of giving itself, but rather through the intention behind it. Different intentions result in different levels of merit, which is a crucial understanding for all practitioners. Quoting the Chan saying, "A special transmission outside the scriptures, not relying on words and letters," Venerable Hui Lun emphasized that the profound truths of the Buddhas are not dependent on written texts. "The moon is not in the pointing finger; the Dharma is in the mind," he explained, indicating that language and words are merely tools to open the door to the Dharma. All truths are inherent in one's own mind and should be realized through self-awareness. Venerable Hui Lun concluded with a verse, wishing everyone diligent practice: "The inexhaustible spring at the foot of the mountain supplies the companions in the mountain; each brings a ladle, all attain the full moon." He expressed his hope that everyone would eventually realize the full moon of enlightenment.


Toronto Buddha’s Light Choir Spreads Joy and Harmony Through Music

Fo Guang Shan Temple of Toronto July 16, 2024 On July 6th, the Buddha’s Light Choir of Toronto performed at the Overseas Chinese Culture and Art Festival, held at the Living Arts Centre, the largest opera house in Mississauga. Their performance, featuring songs from "Sounds of the Human World," aimed to spread joy and harmony and to foster friendships through music. Fourteen choirs with nearly 400 members from the Greater Toronto Area, including Hamilton, Guelph, Halton, and Mississauga, delivered outstanding performances. Venerable Man Long, the guiding monastic of the Buddha’s Light Choir, and Mabel Lam, President of the Buddha's Light International Association (BLIA) Toronto Chapter, were invited to participate. This annual festival has long served as a platform for integrating Chinese culture into mainstream society through music, promoting interaction and learning to elevate artistic standards. The program featured a diverse array of Chinese and Western art songs, local folk tunes, Eastern and Western religious songs, classical pieces, country music, and contemporary hits. Founded in 2001, the Buddha’s Light Choir of Toronto has followed the teachings of Venerable Master Hsing Yun, the founder of Fo Guang Shan. They perform songs from "Sounds of the Human World," promoting love, joy, cooperation, and harmony through a spirit of selflessness. Conductor Minli Liang highlighted that this year’s selection included three songs with distinct rhythms and styles, aiming to convey the contemporary relevance of Humanistic Buddhism. She explained that "Why" explores the meaning of life and admiration for the compassionate Buddha, best expressed in gentle and graceful tones. "Double Good" features a lively rhythm, with synchronized gestures and movements offering a refreshing experience. "Quickly Take Refuge Under the Buddha" stands out for its melodious quality. Liang emphasized that true dedication to Buddhism naturally brings forth calm and joy in their singing. Venerable Man Long, invited to present awards, quoted Venerable Master Hsing Yun, saying, "Whether through culture, music, art, or sports, all are teachings that enhance happiness and peace in life." She noted that music transcends boundaries, bringing together music lovers from different regions, religions, and cultures to create a joyful and harmonious society. Choir leader Miranda Chu expressed deep gratitude to conductor Minli Liang and accompanist Jia’en Mai for their tireless efforts. She was particularly moved by Liang’s dedication, who continued teaching despite illness over the past six months. The choir members have diligently practiced, aspiring to jointly promote Humanistic Buddhism through music.


Ontario MPP Addresses Campus Safety Concerns: Fo Guang Shan Temple of Ottawa Invited to Contribute

Fo Guang Shan Temple of Ottawa July 16, 2024 On June 7, 2024 Goldie Ghamari, a Member of Ontario Provincial Parliament convened a roundtable meeting. Venerable You Wang, Venerable Neng Yi, and, Culture and Education Coordinator Lydia Wang attended as representatives of Fo Guang Shan Temple of Ottawa. The main topic of this roundtable was to discuss racism issues in Ottawa schools. The meeting's objective was to explore collaborative and feasible methods by which to create a more inclusive and equitable educational environment for all students in the Ottawa area. Representatives from ten organizations attended the meeting, including Rabbi Blum, members of Parent Teacher Association (PTA), and the Osgoode Youth Indigenous Council, totaling 17 participants. Among them, majority representatives were from Jewish families and other religious organizations. This focus stemmed from the fact that in 2023, out of 152 campus discrimination incidents, 70 percent involved children from Jewish families. This proportion clearly indicates that Jewish students were the primary subjects of campus discrimination incidents in the Ottawa area. Consequently, the meeting began with Jewish-related organizations describing the current situation, where children feel unsafe and ostracized at school. Subsequently, several organizations shared their efforts to maintain peaceful coexistence among various ethnic groups. Lydia shared her personal experience of educating her two children to remember their cultural roots while also identifying with their birth country, that resulted in no discrimination. Venerable You Wang, speaking on behalf of Fo Guang Shan Temple of Ottawa, first introduced Fo Guang Shan, Buddha's Light International Association (BLIA), and the Buddhist concept of equality. Venerable also presented Fo Guang Shan's founder, Venerable Master Hsing Yun's ideology of "Coexistence and Coprosperity". She explained that Fo Guang Shan temples worldwide are undertaking "localization" efforts, promoting Humanistic Buddhism through culture, emphasizing children's education, enhancing understanding, and transcending various barriers. Venerable You Wang suggested that different religions could first increase their interactions and encouraged Jewish groups to organize more Jewish cultural festivals in the community to foster other connections, understanding, and friendship. MPP Goldie Ghamari immediately related to the audience that she had attended numerous events organized by Fo Guang Shan Temple of Ottawa, all of which left a deep impression and were well-received by the community. This experience was why she invited them to participate in this roundtable, hoping they could provide their experiences from which others could learn. After the meeting, the Jewish rabbi and several other groups approached to inquire about contact information, expressing their desire for more future exchanges and to establish more interactions.

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