FGS News

Ottawa's Buddhist Community Jointly Celebrates Buddha's Birthday, Humanistic Buddhism Reaches Out

Fo Guang Shan Temple of Ottawa June 14, 2024 On May 18th, a Vesak Day celebration was held at Parliament Hill in Canada, where nearly 400 Buddhists of different ethnicities gathered to commemorate the Buddha's sacred birthday. The event was initiated by Member of Parliament Chandra Arya, who is of Indian descent, and was fully organized by Fo Guang Shan Temple of Ottawa, in collaboration with other Buddhist temples and organizations. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau sent a special congratulatory letter, thanking all Canadian Buddhists for spreading the spirit of peace and compassion in the country over the years. Chandra Arya stated in his speech that today, we represent the aspirations of all Canadian Buddhists and showcase the positive side of multiculturalism to all Canadians. He expressed gratitude to Fo Guang Shan for their outstanding organizational and coordination work in such a short time, as well as to all the attendees. Notable attendees included Sanjay Kumar Verma, the Indian Ambassador to Canada, and Anzul Jhan, the Deputy Ambassador of Sri Lanka to Canada. Sun Jun, the president of BLIA Ottawa Chapter, who served as the emcee and was the leading figure throughout the whole event. The ceremony opened with the young members of the Fo Guang Youth Dharma Drum Troupe delivering an invigorating and welcoming drum performance. The event showcased Buddhist chanting from both Northern and Southern Buddhist traditions, traditional dance performances from Southern Buddhist countries, Buddha bathing, and cultural performances. The venue was adorned with a statue of Sakyamuni Buddha, and offerings of incense, lamps, flowers, and fruits. Additionally, there were three Buddha bathing pools surrounded by fresh flowers. The ceremony began with Venerable Yung Ku, the abbess of Fo Guang Shan Temple of Ottawa, along with all monastics, Upasakas, and Upasikas, a total of 24 individuals, solemnly taking the stage to present offerings of incense, flowers, and lamps. The monastics led the assembly in chanting the "Gatha for Bathing the Buddha," and Venerable Yung Ku reverently read the "A Prayer for the Buddha's Birthday Celebration" composed by Venerable Master Hsing Yun, the founder of Fo Guang Shan. Venerable Fa Long, the abbot of Ottawa Amitabha Buddhist Society of Canada, also led the sangha in chanting the "Mangala Sutta, Discourse on Blessings" to bless everyone with peace and happiness. Three Sri Lankan monks also attended to offer their blessings. The ceremony highlighted breathtaking cultural performances representing various ethnic communities. A song from Bangladesh praised the Buddha's birth for bestowing wisdom upon sentient beings. The Kandyan dance from Sri Lanka portrayed traditional values through its stunning costumes and graceful, lively movements. The Chinese classical dance "Chant of the Water Dragon" displayed the spirit of dragons gliding through the four seas, symbolizing the harmonious relationship between humans and nature. Lastly, the Buddha's Light Choir delivered a heartfelt rendition of "Buddha in Your Heart," featuring lyrics composed by Venerable Master Hsing Yun. The melodious singing touched the hearts of all those in attendance. A unique highlight of this event was the first-ever exhibition in the Ottawa area of Jung-Li Tsai's "Light in the Darkness — India’s Hope Village Photography Exhibition," which introduced the dedication and achievements of BLIA members worldwide through the development of the Hope Village project in India. The exhibition has moved the attendees and earned heartfelt praise. Chandra Arya, the Member of Parliament of Indian descent, expressed that hosting the joint Buddha Bathing Ceremony at Parliament Hill for the third time brought together devotees from Buddhist countries around the world who reside in Canada. This celebration was not only for Buddhists but for all Canadians, bringing the philosophy of Buddhism to Parliament Hill and bringing joy to everyone. Zhang Zhigang, the President of Health Times, expressed his delight in participating in Vesak Day on Parliament Hill, as it provided a wonderful opportunity for the public to commemorate the Buddha's birthday. He extended his gratitude to Member of Parliament Chandra Arya and the various Buddhist temples in Ottawa for their joint organization of the event. Venerable Yung Ku stated that holding the annual Buddha Bathing Ceremony at Parliament Hill to celebrate the Buddha's birthday is a manifestation of Venerable Master Hsing Yun's concept of "reaching out," allowing the multicultural Western society to witness Humanistic Buddhism.


It’s Good to Have You: Canadian Senator Praises Outstanding Contributors

Fo Guang Shan Temple of Ottawa June 14, 2024 On May 25th, Canadian Senator Victor Oh presented the Legacy Award to 170 recipients from the Ottawa and Montreal areas on Parliament Hill. The Buddha's Light International Association (BLIA) of Ottawa Chapter had 14 members receiving this honour. Abbess Venerable Yung Ku and Venerable Miao Qi of the Fo Guang Shan Temple of Ottawa, and the awarded members attended the ceremony upon invitation. The award recognizes individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the community in various fields in Canada. The award ceremony brought over 200 attendees, including scientists, artists, writers, doctors, and long-term community service volunteers. The ceremony began with a speech by Professor Paul Corkum from the University of Ottawa. It was followed by the speeches made by the Chinese community leaders Xue Jinsheng and Cao Shoukang  on behalf of the awardees from Ottawa and Montreal  respectively. Senator Victor Oh concluded with a passionate, humorous, and sincere speech, expressing that we should jointly pay tribute to these individuals who have been working diligently and selflessly dedicating themselves. For the home we cherish, we must shoulder the responsibility and continue moving forward to make it even better. The awarded BLIA members included volunteers from various groups: the Scout Group, Social Education Division, chapter's Secretariat, subchapter 's executives, BLIA Young Adult Division. Venerable Yung Ku praised the rapid growth of the volunteer team at Fo Guang Shan Temple of Ottawa and expressed gratitude to the compassionate and righteous volunteer bodhisattvas, stating, " It’s Good to Have You!" The awarded BLIA members shared their thoughts on the event.  CK Chong, the president of the Bodhi subchapter said, "One generation plants the trees in whose shade another generation rests." She expressed gratitude for the efforts and contributions of the predecessors, which not only require the younger generations to keep in mind the difficulties the predecessors overcame, but also to double their efforts to continue safeguarding the achievements left behind by the predecessors and ensure that the endeavors of the Chinese community on this land are passed down. Du Zheng , the scout leader, expressed gratitude to Fo Guang Shan Temple of Ottawa, stating that it is because of the temple that he has the opportunity to become a BLIA member, and it is the Ottawa volunteer team that he learns from other volunteers. This award is not only an affirmation of individuals or Fo Guang Shan Temple of Ottawa volunteers but also an encouragement. Andrew Zhou, a BLIA Young Adult Division member, thanked the monastery for the nomination. He started going to the monastery from a very young age and is now in his teens. He has gradually felt the influence of the Dharma on himself. Just as Venerable Master Hsing Yun said about "giving," volunteering not only brings changes to oneself but also benefits the surrounding environment.


Thank Buddha It’s Friday (TBIF) English Lecture: When the Mind is Pure, So is the Land

Ching Pan June 13, 2024 On May 31, Fo Guang Shan Hsi Fang Temple held a hybrid English lecture titled "Single-Minded & Undistracted: Meditation & the Pure Land" by Andrew Nguy. Andrew is currently working at the Fo Guang Shan Institute of Humanistic Buddhism, where he is translating the Fo Guang Dictionary of Buddhism. Nearly 40 participants from Taiwan and North America joined in-person and online to explore how meditation can purify the mind, turning every place into a Pure Land on earth. Andrew explained the "Transformation Tableau of the Amitabha Sutra," encouraging the audience to pay attention to the details. He noted that not only is Amitabha Buddha teaching, but every tree and breeze in the Pure Land is also expounding the Noble Eightfold Path. He emphasized that every Buddha has their own Pure Land, and when the Buddha attained enlightenment under the Bodhi tree, he affirmed that everyone can become a Buddha. Since everyone is a Buddha, everyone can create their own Pure Land, making every place a Pure Land. Quoting from the Vimalakirti Sutra: "If a bodhisattva wishes to attain a pure land, they must purify their mind; as the mind is purified, the Buddha land will be pure," Andrew stated that the Pure Land is not just a future realm for rebirth but now. Bodhisattvas should aspire to purify their minds and actively create Pure Lands in the present to benefit sentient beings. How can one purify their mind? “The Verses of the Shared Morality of the Seven Buddhas” states: "Commit no evil, perform all good deeds, and purify one's own mind—this is the teaching of all Buddhas," providing clear guidance. Andrew pointed out that a Pure Land has three main characteristics—welcoming, inclusive, and beneficial. He cited Venerable Jue Cheng from Fo Guang Shan, who, despite safety concerns, actively promoted the "Sons of Tathagata" program in Brazil, using soccer to engage and educate children in local favelas. This effort propagated the Dharma and benefited others, exemplifying the creation of a Pure Land. Quoting Venerable Sariputra’s question to the Buddha: "Why is the Pure Land of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas so pure, while the Saha world you teach in is so impure?" the Buddha replied, “Sentient beings cannot see the purity and magnificence of the Tathagata's Pure Land because their view is obstructed by transgressions.” Using the analogy of "one water, four views," Andrew emphasized the importance of "Sympathetic Resonance" with the Buddha, filling the mind with kindness, compassion, joy, and equanimity. A calm, ripple-free lake reflects the moon clearly. He also played a segment from the musical "The Vast Cloud and Immense Star" in memory of Venerable Master Hsing Yun, the founder of Fo Guang Shan, who said, "The Pure Land is in our hearts. When the heart is free of greed, anger, and ignorance and is full of kindness, compassion, joy, and equanimity, there is harmony and no conflict in human relationships." Building a Pure Land on earth is the core of Humanistic Buddhism. Andrew emphasized that meditation aids in achieving "Sympathetic Resonance" with the Buddha, purifying the mind, and attaining single-mindedness. This complements the practice of both meditation and Pure Land cultivation. One attendee, Jordan Dubin expressed that Andrew's analogy of a purified mind being like a calm lake reflecting the moon helped her realize that the Pure Land is not merely a distant concept or theory, but rather something practical and attainable. She found this insight immensely beneficial.


It is truly wonderful to have you: Commendation from the Province of Ontario, Canada

Fo Guang Shan Temple of Ottawa June 12, 2024 On May 13th, 2024 Abbess Venerable Yung Ku and temple superintendent, Venerable Zhiyin, of the Fo Guang Shan Temple of Ottawa, along with five senior volunteers of the Buddha's Light International Association (BLIA) of Ottawa Chapter received commendations from the Province of Ontario.  Accompanied by their families, Madam Liang,  John Sin, Tim Wong , Liying Seto, and Jingcheng Chin attended the volunteer service award ceremony organized by the IODE charity of Ontario. The ceremony was held at the Hellenic Event Centre. This is an award and recognition program established by the Ontario provincial government to acknowledge individuals who have made Ontario a better place to live, as well as their commitment and dedication as volunteers. The Ontario Volunteer Service Awards are given based on the nominee's continuous volunteer service to an organization, ranging from 5 to 65 years. Recipients are awarded a badge and a certificate. Over 250,000 volunteers have been recognized and commended the Ontario Volunteer Service Awards since 1986. This year, 1,450 organizations, 642 youth and 6,008 adults received this award. In the Ottawa area, the total years of service of all the volunteers attending today's award ceremony amounted to 3,879 years. The ongoing dedication of these volunteers to serving the community should be acknowledged and celebrated. Madam Liang has served in the temple’s kitchen for 20 years and is the earliest volunteer to arrive every Sunday, preparing offerings and meals for the temple, rain or shine. Whenever the monastery requires assistance, she always shows up. Now that she is older, she has retired from the kitchen, but her enthusiasm for serving the monastery remains unchanged, and she has shifted to helping at the front desk. John Sin has spared no effort in supporting the monastery, reaching 20 years of service as well. He has served as BLIA board director, fulfilling his duties wholeheartedly. He participates in all BLIA activities and provides constructive opinions. He is also an important external liaison. He is very friendly and always ready to help wherever assistance is needed. Tim Wong has been the monastery's professional photographer, and has also served for 20 years without realizing it. He captures the precious moments for future reference and memories of volunteers working together, from the initial setup to the final presentation for every annual Dharma service or BLIA event. Liying Seto has been helping in the temple’s kitchen for 15 years. She is enthusiastic and always patiently guides and nurtures younger volunteers. She has considerable experience in gardening. Since the "Happy Farm" began cultivation last year, she can often be seen in the vegetable garden, either removing weeds from the ground or watering the seedlings, always carefully tending to them. Jingcheng Chen has served in the Vajra Group for 10 years. Whenever there are heavy objects that need to be moved or storage rooms that require renovation, Chen will be there with his super strength while motivating others to do the same.  When the new monastery was first being developed, every Saturday, he would also join other volunteer bodhisattvas in clearing fallen tree branches and tidying up the place. During an interview, the five BLIA volunteers who received commendations expressed their gratitude to Venerable Master Hsing Yun for establishing Fo Guang Shan and propagating Humanistic Buddhism to the five continents, giving everyone the opportunity to learn the Dharma. This award is an affirmation of all BLIA volunteers and belongs to everyone. They hope that this will encourage all BLIA volunteers to diligently practice the Three Acts of Goodness and further promote Humanistic Buddhism.


Buddha's Light International Association Launches Petition for "Meatless Monday" in Canada

Fo Guang Shan Temple of Ottawa June 12, 2024 On the evening of May 7th, Venerable Yung Ku, Vice Secretary-General of the Buddha's Light International Association (BLIA) America East Region and Abbess of Fo Guang Shan Temple of Ottawa, convened an online briefing at the Canadian Parliament for the petition campaign "Meatless Monday in Canada." Abbesses, superintendents, BLIA chapter presidents, and BLIA executives from the five temples in Vancouver, Edmonton, Toronto, Ottawa, and Montreal were invited to attend. The meeting commenced with an explanation of the origin of the petition by Mabel Lam, President of the BLIA Toronto Chapter and Chair of the BLIA United Nations Commission on Development Committee. She expressed gratitude for the guidance of Venerable Chueh Pei, Secretary-General of the BLIA World Headquarters. Mabel states that BLIA, based on the principles of "compassion — cannot bear to see the suffering of all beings" and promoting "vegetarianism for the love of the Earth," collaborated with Member of Parliament Leah Taylor Roy, a vegetarian herself, whose ideals align with those of the BLIA. Together, they aim to garner support from the Canadian federal government to implement Meatless Monday nationwide. The petition is currently open for signatures from all Canadian residents on the Parliament website until May 24th. Venerable Yung Ku convened the meeting to explain the petition signing process in detail and to address any questions attendees may have. By the start of the online meeting, the number of signatories had already surpassed 380. Venerable Jue Zhao from Fo Guang Shan Edmonton Vihara expressed that the BLIA Edmonton Chapter is promoting the petition through sub-chapters. Venerable Chueh Fan, Abbess of Fo Guang Shan of Toronto, stated that the BLIA Toronto Chapter is also promoting the petition through sub-chapters and strongly supports President Mabel Ho's proposal. Venerable Miao Mu, the Monastic Advisor of the BLIA Montreal Chapter, which has the fastest-growing number of signatories on the petition website, mentioned that she received information about the petition during the Water and Land Dharma Service. Drawing from personal experience in signing the petition, she assisted elderly devotees without email addresses in signing and encouraged chapter members to invite their friends and family to participate. Venerable Chueh Chu, Abbess of Fo Guang Shan Vancouver Temple, pointed out that the petition website has stringent screening processes. After personally completing the petition, Venerable Chueh Chu encouraged BLIA executives to learn the process online to promote participation among sub-chapter members. Venerable Zhi Yin from the Fo Guang Shan Temple of Ottawa stated that in addition to promoting the petition through "Good Morning Fo Guang" videos on YouTube, the petition link is also shared with devotees and BLIA members, inviting everyone to participate. Venerable Yung Ku mentioned that although the petition requires only 500 signatures, as agriculture and cattle farming are major economic drivers in Canada, different political parties in Parliament may hold varying opinions. She encouraged everyone to collaborate and mobilize "thousands of signatures" to showcase public opinion to the Canadian Members of Parliament and demonstrate the BLIA's commitment to environmental protection, transcending political parties, religions, and personal interests. The meeting lasted 40 minutes, with over 100 Monastic Advisors, presidents, board of directors, and sub-chapter executives attending online. Within three hours after the meeting, the number of signatories had surpassed 600, nearly doubling the pre-meeting count, demonstrating the immense mobilizing power of Buddha's Light members.


Hsi Fang Temple Fur Baby Walking and Blessing Ceremony: Connecting the Community of University Heights

Hsi Fang Temple June 6, 2024 Hsi Fang Temple and BLIA San Diego Chapter co-hosted the "Fur Baby Walking and Blessing Ceremony" on June 1st. Nearly a hundred people and 35 pets, including one tortoise, walked a total of 50 miles in the University Heights (UH) community. Eleven passersby saw the event and immediately signed up to participate. Before and after the event, Megan and Victoria led stretching exercises to warmed up before the walk and had some grounding moments after the walk. The walking route passed through several rest stations set up by collaborating local businesses to provide water and snacks for the fur babies, ensuring they maintained their energy throughout the process. Ven. Miao Zang read the prayers for the well-being and peace of mind of everyone, including the fur babies. Afterwards, the parents accompanied their pets to the front to receive blessings. The event was hosted by Roxanne Govari, owner of UH neighborhood business Pemberley Realty. Apple, a neighbor, said, though not a pet owner, expressed great joy in seeing so many adorable fur babies and feeling thankful for the event that led her to come to the temple. Valerie expressed gratitude to Hsi Fang Temple for blessing her fur baby, noting that participating in the event not only allowed them to enjoy exercise and the beauty of nature but also helped her fur baby, Pup, to make many new friends while recovering from his surgery.


MITRA Project at UC Berkeley and FGS Institute of Humanistic Buddhism Sign Official Agreement to Collaborate on Developing AI Tools for Buddhist Text Translation

Institute of Humanistic Buddhism June 6, 2024 On June 4, 2024, Venerable Miao Guang, Deputy Chancellor of the Fo Guang Shan Institute of Humanistic Buddhism, and Professor Kurt Keutzer, head of the Berkeley Artificial Intelligence Research (BAIR) laboratory and the MITRA project at the University of California, Berkeley, signed a cooperation agreement to develop artificial intelligence tools for translating Buddhist texts. The agreement aims to improve the efficiency and quality of English translations of Buddhist texts, such as the Buddhist Canon and the Complete Works of Venerable Master Hsing Yun. The signing ceremony was attended by ten participants, including Venerable Ru Yang, Abbess of Fo Guang Shan North California Region; Dr. Robert Sharf, Chair of the Berkeley Center for Buddhist Studies; Sebastian Nierdich, Technical Director of the MITRA Project at UC Berkeley; Howie X. Lan, Programmer and Web Developer, UC Berkeley Vice Chancellor for Research Office; and Venerable Zhi Yue, Editor of the Fo Guang Dictionary English Translation Project. The AI model, developed by combining MITRA's technology and its corpus of over 3 million parallel texts in Sanskrit, Pali, Tibetan, and Chinese Buddhist scriptures with Fo Guang Shan Institute of Humanistic Buddhism's 230,000 entries of bilingual Chinese-English corpora, is already capable of translating Buddhist texts in multiple languages, including Chinese, English, Japanese, Sanskrit, Pali, and Tibetan. The module has achieved excellent scores on AI evaluation platforms such as BLEU and chrF++. Dr. Kurt Keutzer expressed his honor in collaborating with Fo Guang Shan on this project, which will allow the Dharma to spread more widely throughout the world. He noted that modern technology and AI can significantly improve translation efficiency and accuracy, and by utilizing high-quality data resources, better results can be achieved compared to traditional translation processes. Additionally, it can expand the scope of knowledge and thought dissemination, enabling wider access to important Buddhist resources. Prior to the signing, Dr. Sebastian Nehrdich explained the evaluation criteria for MITRA's translation accuracy, introduced the team and data analysis, and outlined the specific scope and outcomes of the collaboration. Venerable Miao Guang introduced Fo Guang Shan's translation team and the current translation content of the Fo Guang Dictionary of Buddhism and the Complete Works of Venerable Master Hsing Yun, expressing hope that AI tools can be used to accelerate multi-language Dharma propagation in the future. The officially signed cooperation agreement aims to harness the potential of AI to bring Buddhist scriptures and the Complete Works of Venerable Master Hsing Yun to a wider modern readership. The close collaboration between the Fo Guang Shan Institute of Humanistic Buddhism and the UC Berkeley MITRA project seeks to integrate Buddhist wisdom with modern technological innovation, jointly promoting the development of Buddhist literature translation. The official name and user interface of this multi-language Buddhist translation tool are expected to be announced by the end of 2024 and will be provided to Buddhist translators for testing and use. For related information, please visit the Fo Guang Shan Institute of Humanistic Buddhism's website on Buddhist text translation and AI application: https://fgs-translation.org.  


2024 Fo Guang Shan America Benefactor’s Meeting Vows to Uphold Humanistic Buddhism

Fo Guang Shan Hsi Lai Temple June 5, 2024 The 2024 Fo Guang Shan (FGS) America Benefactors Convention was held on April 28 at The Westin Anaheim Resort in Southern California. Nearly 400 benefactors, venerables, and Fo Guang members from Asia, North America, and South America reunited after a 7-year hiatus. The benefactors, referred to as the "stakeholders" of Fo Guang Shan by founding master Venerable Master Hsing Yun, received recognition, exchanged insights, and vowed to continue upholding Humanistic Buddhism. The meeting commenced with a Dharma talk video by Venerable Master Hsing Yun, compassionately stating that Fo Guang Shan belongs to the Four Assemblies. Its establishment relied on the benefactors' vows of support. He enumerated the benefactors' contributions to various Dharma propagation efforts, wishing all to uphold: "Glory Goes to the Buddha, Success Goes to the Community, Benefit Goes to the Monastery, Merit Goes to the Devotees," to purify society and promote cross-strait exchanges. The Fo Guang Shan Monastery Head Abbot Most Venerable Hsin Bau, expounded that in the Venerable Master Hsing Yun's anthology, he particularly mentioned the benefactors' accomplishments among the ten conditions for Fo Guang Shan's establishment, showing his high regard for them. He thanked the benefactors for upholding the Dharma wholeheartedly, referencing the Buddha's guidance to King Prasenajit to dedicate merits towards spiritual cultivation, ensuring blessings continually. Venerable Hui Chuan, Deputy Abbot of Fo Guang Shan, delivered a Dharma propagation report. He mentioned that in the future, on four auspicious dates–the Venerable Master Hsing Yun's Memorial Day (the 15th day of the 1st lunar month), Renunciation Anniversary (the 1st day of the 2nd lunar month), Fo Guang Shan Opening Memorial (May 16th), and Birthday (the 22nd day of the 7th lunar month)-respective branch monasteries will hold commemoration ceremonies. As instructed, after the completion of Fo Guang Shan's ancestral Dajue Monastery in Yixing, a Water and Land Dharma Service will be conducted, including a Yoga Flaming Mouth Offering requiring 108 monastics which was realized in 2023, with preparations for a Triple Platform Full Ordination Ceremony in coming years. The inauguration ceremonies of  Fo Guang Shan Tai Hua Temple and Berlin branch temple and construction plans for other Buddhist establishments require the benefactors' continued support. Venerable Hui Dong, Abbot of Hsi Lai Temple, reported on Dharma propagation across North America. Despite the pandemic, branch monasteries and Buddha’s Light International Association (BLIA) chapters closely cooperated like two wings of a bird, upholding Fo Guang Shan's four principal objectives. Besides promoting the online Fo Guang Shan North America Humanistic Buddhism Courses, many Fo Guang Shan branch temples actively engaged local communities by participating in national parades, and United Nations conferences and mobilizing disaster relief efforts, harmonizing theory and practice. Dr. Minh-Hoa Ta, President of the University of the West (UWest), represented the university, expressing gratitude to Venerable Master Hsing Yun's emphasis on education. Embodying Venerable Master Hsing Yun's educational philosophy of integrating theory and practice, UWest is committed to cultivating students' character and nurturing outstanding global citizens. It proactively plans and promotes various curricula, lectures, and activities, fostering exchange with universities worldwide, and presenting UWest with infinite possibilities and hope. Most Venerable Hsin Ting, Abbot of Fo Guang Shan Taihua Temple, expounded that amidst today's turbulent times, Fo Guang Shan's America branch temples serve as spiritual fortresses for devotees. In upholding the monasteries and The Triple Gem, the benefactors "perpetuate virtues across the generations, ensuring that merits accrue to their forebears and offspring”. Elder Venerable Tzu Jung, President of the Fo Guang Shan Light Transmission Council, stated that the benefactors' tireless efforts in supporting monasteries bring joy, serving as volunteers like the Thousand-Armed, Thousand-Eyed Bodhisattva. She thanked them for walking the Bodhisattva path and promoting Humanistic Buddhism. Most Venerable Hsin Bau, Venerable Tzu Jung, Most Venerable Hsin Ting, Former Abbot Most Venerable Hsin Pei, Deputy Abbot Venerable Hui Chuan, Deputy Abbot Venerable Hui Zhao, Chairperson of the Benefactors' Society Venerable Yung Ping and Venerable Man Yi successively conferred certifications on benefactors of various levels. A video of Venerable Master Hsing Yun reciting “A Prayer for Lay Devotees” was played to bestow blessings. The performances were spectacular. 15-year-old Samantha Kao from Buddha’s Light Hsi Lai School (BLHLS) served as a junior host, introducing campus life. BLHLS student Seleste Tapia performed on the Khim (a stringed musical instrument of Thailand). Ms Lucy Xie, the instructor of Hsi Lai Temple’s Dunhuang Dance Troupe, performed "Nirvana and Celestial Beings." BLIA LA Chapter Young Adult Division (YAD) 2 sang "Sounds of The Human World" songs. The monastics gave a rousing chorus finale of "Song of Venerable Master Hsing Yun," "We are FGS People," and "My Hometown is at Fo Guang Shan," as benefactors waved their phones, applauding continuously. Finally, Elder Venerable Tzu Chuang was invited to offer encouragement. Recounting her journey, she expressed fortune in being assigned by Venerable Master Hsing Yun to establish a monastery in the US, made possible by the benefactors' support. After 10 arduous years, Hsi Lai Temple, lauded as the "Forbidden City of America," was completed as Venerable Master's first international propagation center. Elder Venerable Tzu Chuang repeatedly thanked all benefactors, praying everyone would actualize Venerable Master's vow: "May the Buddha's light shine universally on the three thousand realms; Let the Dharma stream flow across all five continents." After the successful convention, benefactors praised the warm, solemn proceedings and exquisite vegetarian cuisine. The presence of many elder venerables was deeply moving, and the performances conveyed a heartwarming yet lively atmosphere.


2024 FGS Toronto Press Conference Promoting World Peace and Supports the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals

Fo Guang Shan Temple of Toronto May 31, 2024 The "2024 World Religion Prayers for Peace and Buddha’s Light Vegetarian Food Fair," jointly organized by the Fo Guang Shan Temple of Toronto and the Buddha's Light International Association (BLIA) Toronto Chapter, is scheduled for June 9th at the Fo Guang Shan Temple in Mississauga. The event was officially unveiled at a press conference held on May 21st at the Buddha’s Light Center in Markham. The press conference was co-hosted by Venerable Chueh Fan, Abbess of the Fo Guang Shan Temple of Toronto, alongside Mabel Lam, President of BLIA Toronto, Vice President Kevin Cao, and Secretary General Katherine Lam. Venerable Chueh Fan expressed gratitude to the media for their attendance and highlighted the event’s mission to transcend religious, racial, and cultural barriers in today's world. This initiative aligns with the guidance of Venerable Master Hsing Yun, the founder of BLIA, who emphasized the importance of meaningful activities, and it supports the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This year’s blessing ceremony will be held outdoors to encourage greater public participation. Mabel Lam underscored that for over 20 years, Fo Guang Shan and BLIA have been dedicated to propagating Buddhist teachings through cultural activities, nurturing talents through education, benefiting societies through charitable programs, and purifying human hearts and minds through Buddhist practices. Each year, they organize the "World Religion Prayers for Peace and Buddha’s Light Vegetarian Food Fair," a vibrant event similar to a vegetarian expo, featuring unique delicacies from China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Vietnam, Malaysia, and Singapore. This year, the event will include additional family-friendly attractions such as an ice cream truck, face painting, inflatable castles, games, and educational booths in the temple's back garden, creating a joyful summer day for all. Proceeds from the sales will contribute $10,000 to the Mississauga Food Bank, with a check presentation ceremony scheduled for the event day. Kevin Cao explained that beyond offering innovative and delicious foods, this year's Vegetarian Food Fair emphasizes "carbon reduction and environmental protection." Attendees are encouraged to support these initiatives by registering for the pilgrimage bus. Additionally, on June 22nd, Fo Guang Shan and BLIA will host the "VEGRUN" charity run, with all donations benefiting ERINOAK Kids, Ontario's largest children's treatment center. Venerable Chueh Fan also announced that in celebration of Buddha's birthday, at the temple Buddha’s Cultural Museum presented a special "Multi-media Brushwork Art Exhibition,” artworks by renowned Toronto brushwork artist Henry Ho. Additionally, the Meditation Hall on the third floor is transformed into a 3D theatre. These two exciting projects will run until August, inviting community members to visit and immerse themselves in these unique experiences. At the conclusion, Mabel Lam shared that BLIA members in Canada have recently submitted a "Meatless Monday" proposal to Parliament, which is currently under review. She expressed hope that the media would help promote this initiative among Chinese community groups, showcasing the collective strength and unity of the Chinese community. Media representatives noted that the Buddha’s Light Vegetarian Food Fair in Toronto has already garnered a stellar reputation, with enthusiastic and friendly service provided by the volunteers leaving a lasting impression. They are confident that this annual grand event will continue to receive strong support from the general public.


Commemoration of the Buddha’s Birthday at MCRD: Cleansing Our Mind as We Bathe the Buddha

D. Braun May 31, 2024 On May 12th, Venerable Miaozang, Superintendent of Hsi Fang Temple, together with BLIA members, Denny and Cindy, led the Sunday Service with the commemoration of the Buddha’s Birthday at the Marine Corp Recruit Depot (MCRD), San Diego. The venerable started the service by sharing the life of the Buddha, detailing the major events of the journey to the enlightenment, entailing the practice of the Four Noble Truths, and indicating the significance of commemorating the Buddha’s birthday by bathing the baby Buddha (Siddhartha) until today. Almost all of the approximately 60 recruits participated in this event. With each scoop of water, everyone vowed “Do Good Deeds, Speak Good Words, and Think Good Thoughts.”  Everyone’s reaction was extremely positive and joyful.  Three of the recruits were interviewed about their experiences. The first MCRD recruit expressed “great, joyful, and at peace. I felt connected with the Buddha!” The second recruit reported that he experienced a calming effect, and increasingly felt himself to be a part of the wider Buddhist community. The third recruit shared he experienced a good feeling in the air, warm and safe. This event proved to be one of the most remembered and noteworthy services as we celebrated the Buddha’s birthday for the second year.  Attendees were deeply moved by the opportunity to get “up close and personal” with the Buddha, and they were joyful as a result. 01-05:  Commemoration of the Buddha’s Birthday at the Marine Corp Recruit Depot (MCRD).  With each scoop of water,  recruits vowed “Do Good Deeds, Speak Good Words, and Think Good Thoughts.”

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