FGS News

Fo-Guang-Shan-Tempel, Berlin e.V. Held Grand Completion and Inauguration Ceremony

The Merit Times June 25, 2024 After six years of arduous reconstruction, the Fo-Guang-Shan-Tempel, Berlin e.V. finally held its grand completion and inauguration ceremony on June 23, 2024. Fo Guang members around the world eagerly awaited this event. Distinguished guests at the ceremony included Most Venerable Hsin Bao, head abbot of Fo Guang Shan Monastery; Venerable Tzu Chuang, Elder of Fo Guang Shan; Venerable Man Chien, President of the Fo Guang Shan Overseas Executive Council; Venerable Man Che, the first Superintendent of Fo-Guang-Shan-Tempel, Berlin e.V.; Professor Carola Roloff, Chair of the Brambosch-Schaelen Bhikkhuni Foundation in Germany; the reconstruction project's architectural team, and nearly 1,000 Fo Guang members from Oceania, Taiwan, and various European countries. Together, they witnessed this historic moment. Remembering Venerable Master Hsing Yun for establishing the foundation of Humanistic Buddhism The inauguration ceremony featured performances by five young musicians from Berlin who played "Sounds of the Human World," in gratitude for Venerable Master Hsing Yun, the founder of Fo Guang Shan, and his vision of "To propagate Buddhist teachings through cultural activities." Additionally, the Dunhuang Dance Troupe from Paris performed the dance "Six Dust Offerings." Most Venerable Hsin Bau and the benefactor representatives unveiled the Three Treasures Buddha, bestowing infinite hope and light upon all beings. The Three Treasures Buddha, consecrated at the old temple in 1999, has always been revered by the Berlin devotees and will continue to provide protection and illumination for the people of Berlin in the future. After the offering team, composed of benefactors from Fo Guang Shan Europe and Berlin youths, presented the Six Offerings, Most Venerable Hsin Bau led the guiding masters in purifying the altar and delivering the consecration teachings. Most Venerable Hsin Bau thanked all Fo Guang members for witnessing this precious moment together. He explained that Venerable Master Hsing Yun emphasized "collective creation" and "harmony of conditions," and the reconstruction of the temple is owed to everyone. Throughout the reconstruction process, everyone was dedicated and did not forget their original intention; hence, the temple will continue to improve. Most Venerable Hsin Bau expressed his hopes that the newly reconstructed Fo-Guang-Shan-Tempel, Berlin e.V., will integrate and harmonize with the community, allowing the temple's development in Berlin to flourish, and thereby let the days of the Buddha be glorified, and the Dharma endure forever. Buddha's Light International Association (BLIA) World Headquarters Vice President Chaoming Liu presented Fo-Guang-Shan-Tempel, Berlin e.V. with a gemstone-embedded portrait of Venerable Master Hsing Yun, symbolizing the enduring presence of Venerable Master Hsing Yun's virtue in the hearts of every Fo Guang member. May the Dharma Wheel forever turn, and the Dharma water flow eternally. Venerable Man Chien recalled that Venerable Master Hsing Yun sent Venerable Man Che to Berlin in 1992. Now, 31 years later, the reconstruction and consecration of the Fo-Guang-Shan-Tempel, Berlin e.V. is completed, a truly auspicious occasion. She expressed gratitude to Most Venerable Hsin Bau for presiding over the consecration and purification ceremony, allowing everyone to receive Venerable Master Hsing Yun's Buddha light. She thanked every supportive guardian devotee for their support, enabling mutual prosperity, and appreciated the entire construction team's efforts in manifesting the Fo Guang pure land in Berlin. Monastics and devotees are fully dedicated to building the Fo Guang pure land together Venerable Jue Rong once again expressed gratitude to all the protectors and devotees, and also thanked the over 90-year-old Venerable Tzu Chuang for attending. Venerable Tzu Chuang has been responsible for temple construction on various continents, promoting Venerable Master Hsing Yun's mission of spreading the Dharma. Venerable Jue Rong said, "The completion of the reconstruction of Fo-Guang-Shan-Tempel, Berlin e.V. is a report card dedicated to Venerable Tzu Chuang, and I am deeply honored to be a part of it." Venerable Tzu Chuang said, "The new vihara is very solemn." This temple, which combines modern and traditional elements, was rebuilt on the site of the old vihara. She encouraged the protectors and lay followers to continue supporting the temple, passing on the faith to the next generation, and letting "Buddha's light shine universally on the three thousand realms; let the Dharma stream flow across all five continents." Triple Gem Refuge & Five Precepts in Berlin providing spiritual and moral guidance for Buddhists During the reconstruction of the temple, Venerable Miao Shiang, Abbess of Fo-Guang-Shan-Tempel, Berlin e.V., spent six cold winters in a corrugated iron building. Venerable Miao Shiang expressed gratitude for the collective efforts and harmonious conditions that led to the completion of the temple, calling it a "great gift". She mentioned, "My only regret is that I couldn't present this gift to Venerable Master Hsing Yun while he was alive, but I will certainly work harder to live up to Venerable Master Hsing Yun's expectations." The ceremony concluded with the resounding chorus of "The Song of Fo Guang Shan" sung by the congregation. After the consecration ceremony of Fo-Guang-Shan-Tempel, Berlin e.V., a "Triple Gem Refuge Ceremony and Five Precepts Ceremony" was held, presided over by Most Venerable Hsin Bau. A total of 147 devotees from 14 viharas across Europe, as well as from Jordan, Italy, the United States, Malaysia, Cambodia, Singapore, Mainland China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong, took the vow to undertake the Triple Gem Refuge and Five Precepts, joyfully becoming disciples of the Buddha, finding a spiritual home, and discovering refuge for their body and mind. Nearly 60 witnesses attended the ceremony, witnessing its solemnity and auspiciousness, with a sense of great joy pervading the congregation.

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