Harmony with Nature and Environmental Protection: Happy Farm 2024 Planting Season Kicks Off

All attendees moved to the Happy Farm, donning gloves and wielding farming tools to remove weeds, tilling the soil, and applying base fertilizer. photo/The Life News Agency
Venerable Yung Ku, the abbess of Fo Guang Shan Temple of Ottawa and renowned gardening influencer Ruilong Fang tilled the soil. photo/The Life News Agency
Ruilong Fang demonstrated his professional techniques for dividing plants. photo/The Life News Agency
Ruilong Fang shared his personal experiences in managing a farm. photo/The Life News Agency
Fo Guang Shan Temple of Ottawa and BLIA Ottawa Chapter hosted an environmental horticulture lecture titled "Seedling Transplanting and Protection in Early Spring." photo/The Life News Agency

You Ran Qin, Life News Agency
May 21, 2024

On May 4th 2024, the Fo Guang Shan Temple of Ottawa and Buddha's Light International Association (BLIA) Ottawa Chapter hosted an environmental horticulture lecture titled "Seedling Transplanting and Protection in Early Spring," that featured renowned gardening influencer Ruilong Fang, also known as "Kenting Fourth Brother." Following the successful lecture, the 2024 planting season ceremony for "Happy Farm" of Fo Guang Shan Temple of Ottawa was held, with nearly 40 monastics and BLIA members in attendance.

Ruilong Fang shared his personal experiences in managing a farm, and focused on seedling protection, soil preparation, root development, transplanting, and pest control, and, how to make organic fertilizer. He adheres to the philosophy of "harmony with nature and environmental protection," using the "bird-proof" method to protect seedlings in early spring by creating fences made of environmentally-friendly branches. This approach not only saves on costs, but also effectively turns waste branches into valuable resources.

Ruilong Fang provided detailed explanations of commonly used techniques and precautions with the production of organic fertilizer. He covered aspects like material collection, indoor storage, natural composting, and product application. He taught attendees how to use kitchen waste to cultivate fertile and healthy "earthworm soil."

Ruilong Fang also shared his unique solutions during the Q&A session for dealing with extreme weather and removing common pests in an environmentally friendly manner. He pointed out that by understanding the living habits of pests and animals, and adapting to temperature changes to alter the ecosystem of the farm, these problems can be overcome without harming any living beings.

After the 90-minute lecture, all attendees moved to the Happy Farm, donning gloves and wielding farming tools to remove weeds, tilling the soil, and applying base fertilizer. Although the weather forecast had predicted rain on the 4th of May, the sun shone brightly in the afternoon, as if the deities were offering protection to all. Everyone joyfully participated in the spring planting ceremony for the Happy Farm. Following the ceremony, Ruilong Fang demonstrated his professional techniques for dividing plants, separating a pot of the versatile medicinal herb, "Angelica sinensis," into various-sized plants, which were then distributed to the temple and interested volunteers.

At the end of the lecture, Venerable Yung Ku, the abbess of Fo Guang Shan Temple of Ottawa, presented Ruilong Fang and his family with gifts and a copy of the book Venerable Master Hsing Yun's Teachings through Words and Examples, that contained the Buddhist saying: "Out of fields of the heart grows no grass of ignorance. From gardens of realization blossom bushels of flowers of wisdom." It shows that Buddhist wisdom and horticultural planting can be perfectly combined. This year, the Happy Farm will continue to cooperate with the Richmond Food Bank, and allocate to them a portion of its farmland to create a "Happy Farm" that is truly full of love and meaning.



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