FGS News

Mabuhay Elderly Immerge Into Chinese Culture

Belinda Tantuco June 14, 2024 Mabuhay Temple Head Abbess Ven. Yung Guang, as a gesture of compassion and appreciation for the untiring supports and services of our temple devotees, sponsored the 2024 Song He Basic Class. This class is spearheaded by Venerable Zhi Pu and is held on every Wednesday afternoon for eight sessions. The first session on June 5, 2024 was attended by a class of 14 elderly dharma sisters. During the first session, the participants were introduced to the rich background of Chinese tea history, the different types of tea and tea sets, the process of tea production as well as the art of tea preparation. Participants were also introduced to two kinds of ancient Chinese musical instruments. One was “Guqin”, a seven-stringed plucked instrument and another was “Pipa”, a lute with 4 strings, large banana leaflike body and a fretted fingerboard.  Based on scientific fact, the average percentage of fluid in human body is 60%-75%. With this, human body reacts actively to the sound wave produced by musical instrument. Like meditation, soft light music is effective for body and mind relaxation, can bring tranquility and reduce anxiety. As Venerable Zhi Pu discussed, succeeding classes will include a variation of topics like the culture of incense, art of floral arrangement, health and wellness, arts & crafts. All these activities and discussions are like Buddhism convenience methods that will enable one to become self-composed, develop meditative concentration that will eventually help in the cultivation of inner peace, calmness and well-being. All these involve Chinese cultures, applied with the principles and practices on Humanistic Buddhism.  As Venerable Master Hsing Yun often taught “a rolling stone gathers no moss, running water does not breed beetles”.  When a person is proactive, there will be motivation, vitality and stimulation. He encouraged everyone to continually learn new things, upgrade own skills, do delightful activities and share one’s know-how as approaches to become mentally, physically and spiritually healthy.


Ottawa's Buddhist Community Jointly Celebrates Buddha's Birthday, Humanistic Buddhism Reaches Out

Fo Guang Shan Temple of Ottawa June 14, 2024 On May 18th, a Vesak Day celebration was held at Parliament Hill in Canada, where nearly 400 Buddhists of different ethnicities gathered to commemorate the Buddha's sacred birthday. The event was initiated by Member of Parliament Chandra Arya, who is of Indian descent, and was fully organized by Fo Guang Shan Temple of Ottawa, in collaboration with other Buddhist temples and organizations. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau sent a special congratulatory letter, thanking all Canadian Buddhists for spreading the spirit of peace and compassion in the country over the years. Chandra Arya stated in his speech that today, we represent the aspirations of all Canadian Buddhists and showcase the positive side of multiculturalism to all Canadians. He expressed gratitude to Fo Guang Shan for their outstanding organizational and coordination work in such a short time, as well as to all the attendees. Notable attendees included Sanjay Kumar Verma, the Indian Ambassador to Canada, and Anzul Jhan, the Deputy Ambassador of Sri Lanka to Canada. Sun Jun, the president of BLIA Ottawa Chapter, who served as the emcee and was the leading figure throughout the whole event. The ceremony opened with the young members of the Fo Guang Youth Dharma Drum Troupe delivering an invigorating and welcoming drum performance. The event showcased Buddhist chanting from both Northern and Southern Buddhist traditions, traditional dance performances from Southern Buddhist countries, Buddha bathing, and cultural performances. The venue was adorned with a statue of Sakyamuni Buddha, and offerings of incense, lamps, flowers, and fruits. Additionally, there were three Buddha bathing pools surrounded by fresh flowers. The ceremony began with Venerable Yung Ku, the abbess of Fo Guang Shan Temple of Ottawa, along with all monastics, Upasakas, and Upasikas, a total of 24 individuals, solemnly taking the stage to present offerings of incense, flowers, and lamps. The monastics led the assembly in chanting the "Gatha for Bathing the Buddha," and Venerable Yung Ku reverently read the "A Prayer for the Buddha's Birthday Celebration" composed by Venerable Master Hsing Yun, the founder of Fo Guang Shan. Venerable Fa Long, the abbot of Ottawa Amitabha Buddhist Society of Canada, also led the sangha in chanting the "Mangala Sutta, Discourse on Blessings" to bless everyone with peace and happiness. Three Sri Lankan monks also attended to offer their blessings. The ceremony highlighted breathtaking cultural performances representing various ethnic communities. A song from Bangladesh praised the Buddha's birth for bestowing wisdom upon sentient beings. The Kandyan dance from Sri Lanka portrayed traditional values through its stunning costumes and graceful, lively movements. The Chinese classical dance "Chant of the Water Dragon" displayed the spirit of dragons gliding through the four seas, symbolizing the harmonious relationship between humans and nature. Lastly, the Buddha's Light Choir delivered a heartfelt rendition of "Buddha in Your Heart," featuring lyrics composed by Venerable Master Hsing Yun. The melodious singing touched the hearts of all those in attendance. A unique highlight of this event was the first-ever exhibition in the Ottawa area of Jung-Li Tsai's "Light in the Darkness — India’s Hope Village Photography Exhibition," which introduced the dedication and achievements of BLIA members worldwide through the development of the Hope Village project in India. The exhibition has moved the attendees and earned heartfelt praise. Chandra Arya, the Member of Parliament of Indian descent, expressed that hosting the joint Buddha Bathing Ceremony at Parliament Hill for the third time brought together devotees from Buddhist countries around the world who reside in Canada. This celebration was not only for Buddhists but for all Canadians, bringing the philosophy of Buddhism to Parliament Hill and bringing joy to everyone. Zhang Zhigang, the President of Health Times, expressed his delight in participating in Vesak Day on Parliament Hill, as it provided a wonderful opportunity for the public to commemorate the Buddha's birthday. He extended his gratitude to Member of Parliament Chandra Arya and the various Buddhist temples in Ottawa for their joint organization of the event. Venerable Yung Ku stated that holding the annual Buddha Bathing Ceremony at Parliament Hill to celebrate the Buddha's birthday is a manifestation of Venerable Master Hsing Yun's concept of "reaching out," allowing the multicultural Western society to witness Humanistic Buddhism.


It’s Good to Have You: Canadian Senator Praises Outstanding Contributors

Fo Guang Shan Temple of Ottawa June 14, 2024 On May 25th, Canadian Senator Victor Oh presented the Legacy Award to 170 recipients from the Ottawa and Montreal areas on Parliament Hill. The Buddha's Light International Association (BLIA) of Ottawa Chapter had 14 members receiving this honour. Abbess Venerable Yung Ku and Venerable Miao Qi of the Fo Guang Shan Temple of Ottawa, and the awarded members attended the ceremony upon invitation. The award recognizes individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the community in various fields in Canada. The award ceremony brought over 200 attendees, including scientists, artists, writers, doctors, and long-term community service volunteers. The ceremony began with a speech by Professor Paul Corkum from the University of Ottawa. It was followed by the speeches made by the Chinese community leaders Xue Jinsheng and Cao Shoukang  on behalf of the awardees from Ottawa and Montreal  respectively. Senator Victor Oh concluded with a passionate, humorous, and sincere speech, expressing that we should jointly pay tribute to these individuals who have been working diligently and selflessly dedicating themselves. For the home we cherish, we must shoulder the responsibility and continue moving forward to make it even better. The awarded BLIA members included volunteers from various groups: the Scout Group, Social Education Division, chapter's Secretariat, subchapter 's executives, BLIA Young Adult Division. Venerable Yung Ku praised the rapid growth of the volunteer team at Fo Guang Shan Temple of Ottawa and expressed gratitude to the compassionate and righteous volunteer bodhisattvas, stating, " It’s Good to Have You!" The awarded BLIA members shared their thoughts on the event.  CK Chong, the president of the Bodhi subchapter said, "One generation plants the trees in whose shade another generation rests." She expressed gratitude for the efforts and contributions of the predecessors, which not only require the younger generations to keep in mind the difficulties the predecessors overcame, but also to double their efforts to continue safeguarding the achievements left behind by the predecessors and ensure that the endeavors of the Chinese community on this land are passed down. Du Zheng , the scout leader, expressed gratitude to Fo Guang Shan Temple of Ottawa, stating that it is because of the temple that he has the opportunity to become a BLIA member, and it is the Ottawa volunteer team that he learns from other volunteers. This award is not only an affirmation of individuals or Fo Guang Shan Temple of Ottawa volunteers but also an encouragement. Andrew Zhou, a BLIA Young Adult Division member, thanked the monastery for the nomination. He started going to the monastery from a very young age and is now in his teens. He has gradually felt the influence of the Dharma on himself. Just as Venerable Master Hsing Yun said about "giving," volunteering not only brings changes to oneself but also benefits the surrounding environment.


FGS Philippines at Taipei International Vegetarian Culture Festival

Fo Guang Shan Philippines June 13, 2024 Fo Guang Shan (FGS) Philippines and the Buddha’s Light International Association (BLIA) Philippines showcased Filipino products at the “2024 International Vegetarian Culture Festival ─ Joyous Vego Lifestyle” held at the Taipei World Trade Center from May 10 to 13. The event also featured a Prayer for Buddha’s Birthday and World Peace on May 12. Among the highlights were papaya soup, banana chips, virgin coconut oil, and dried mango, beloved for their natural flavors. BLIA advisor, Dharma Brother Erwin Choa, received honorary guests FGS Abbot Most Venerable Hsin Bau and Chancellor of FGS Cultural Council Most Venerable Yi Kong, alongside BLIA Pasig President Dharma Sister Betty Choa, Lily So, and Ngo-ngo Choa from the BLIA Hong Kong subchapter. Lily So has been volunteering at vegetarian expos in Taipei and mainland China since 2012, where she has showcased a diverse array of Filipino delicacies, beverages, handcrafted arts, and goods. She expressed gratitude, stating, “I am thankful to the Venerable Master for transforming me from a housewife to a proud Vegetarian Ambassador.” For 16 consecutive years, the Merit Times Newspaper has been organizing vegetarian expos centered around the theme of "Environmental and Spiritual Preservation." These expos aim to foster collaboration among industry, government, academia, and education to promote environmentally friendly vegetarian food and drive ecological development within the vegetarian food industry. With the ethos of "vegetarianism, environmental protection, and love for the earth," this year's event seeks to integrate sustainability into vegetarianism, in line with the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The expo features 400 booths across 8 main areas and 20 immersive sections, representing 200 government agencies, members of the Buddha's Light International Association (BLIA), various religious groups, vegetarians, and plant-based health-conscious product companies. The 8 main areas include the Fo Guang Shan Main Pavilion, International Vegetarian Food, Vegetarian Food, Health and Wellness, Religious Literature and Goods, Carbon Reduction, Food and Agricultural Education, and Sporting Goods. Venerable Yung Guang, the Head Abbess of FGS Philippines, wholeheartedly endorsed the innovative initiatives promoting a meatless diet and sustainable lifestyle. She emphasized the importance of reading, exercise, and spiritual practice in achieving these goals. Venerable Yung Guang also acknowledged the contributions of FGS education institutions and consortium universities at the expo, which showcased creative culinary delights and performing arts to the public.


Thank Buddha It’s Friday (TBIF) English Lecture: When the Mind is Pure, So is the Land

Ching Pan June 13, 2024 On May 31, Fo Guang Shan Hsi Fang Temple held a hybrid English lecture titled "Single-Minded & Undistracted: Meditation & the Pure Land" by Andrew Nguy. Andrew is currently working at the Fo Guang Shan Institute of Humanistic Buddhism, where he is translating the Fo Guang Dictionary of Buddhism. Nearly 40 participants from Taiwan and North America joined in-person and online to explore how meditation can purify the mind, turning every place into a Pure Land on earth. Andrew explained the "Transformation Tableau of the Amitabha Sutra," encouraging the audience to pay attention to the details. He noted that not only is Amitabha Buddha teaching, but every tree and breeze in the Pure Land is also expounding the Noble Eightfold Path. He emphasized that every Buddha has their own Pure Land, and when the Buddha attained enlightenment under the Bodhi tree, he affirmed that everyone can become a Buddha. Since everyone is a Buddha, everyone can create their own Pure Land, making every place a Pure Land. Quoting from the Vimalakirti Sutra: "If a bodhisattva wishes to attain a pure land, they must purify their mind; as the mind is purified, the Buddha land will be pure," Andrew stated that the Pure Land is not just a future realm for rebirth but now. Bodhisattvas should aspire to purify their minds and actively create Pure Lands in the present to benefit sentient beings. How can one purify their mind? “The Verses of the Shared Morality of the Seven Buddhas” states: "Commit no evil, perform all good deeds, and purify one's own mind—this is the teaching of all Buddhas," providing clear guidance. Andrew pointed out that a Pure Land has three main characteristics—welcoming, inclusive, and beneficial. He cited Venerable Jue Cheng from Fo Guang Shan, who, despite safety concerns, actively promoted the "Sons of Tathagata" program in Brazil, using soccer to engage and educate children in local favelas. This effort propagated the Dharma and benefited others, exemplifying the creation of a Pure Land. Quoting Venerable Sariputra’s question to the Buddha: "Why is the Pure Land of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas so pure, while the Saha world you teach in is so impure?" the Buddha replied, “Sentient beings cannot see the purity and magnificence of the Tathagata's Pure Land because their view is obstructed by transgressions.” Using the analogy of "one water, four views," Andrew emphasized the importance of "Sympathetic Resonance" with the Buddha, filling the mind with kindness, compassion, joy, and equanimity. A calm, ripple-free lake reflects the moon clearly. He also played a segment from the musical "The Vast Cloud and Immense Star" in memory of Venerable Master Hsing Yun, the founder of Fo Guang Shan, who said, "The Pure Land is in our hearts. When the heart is free of greed, anger, and ignorance and is full of kindness, compassion, joy, and equanimity, there is harmony and no conflict in human relationships." Building a Pure Land on earth is the core of Humanistic Buddhism. Andrew emphasized that meditation aids in achieving "Sympathetic Resonance" with the Buddha, purifying the mind, and attaining single-mindedness. This complements the practice of both meditation and Pure Land cultivation. One attendee, Jordan Dubin expressed that Andrew's analogy of a purified mind being like a calm lake reflecting the moon helped her realize that the Pure Land is not merely a distant concept or theory, but rather something practical and attainable. She found this insight immensely beneficial.


Mother’s Day Hi-Tea: Artist Mini Pizzas and Classic French Canelés

Fo Guang Shan New Zealand June 13, 2024 On 12th May 2024, the FGS Christchurch Water Drop Cafe held an English-style afternoon tea event to celebrate Mother’s Day, attracting almost a hundred residents. This year’s highlight included traditional British afternoon tea snacks, with the Temple team inviting a professional pastry chef to make classic French canelés. They also introduced artist-inspired mini pizzas. These sweet and savoury delicacies were a hit with the guests, many of whom joyfully shared their surprise and delight on social media. The chef made the French canelés with three classic flavours the day before to ensure all guests could enjoy the crispy exterior and soft interior. The mini pizzas, freshly baked on the day, were cut into bite-sized pieces and presented on a small frame, inspired by the works of renowned New Zealand artist Keith Morant. The presentation delighted the guests. The attendees enjoyed the delicious afternoon tea in a warm and cosy atmosphere, feeling the blessings from the team. One table of regulars had made reservations for three consecutive years, celebrating Mother’s Day from when she was pregnant to now bringing her mother and child, making it a significant tradition. The Young Adult Division enthusiastically served the guests, decorating the venue with colourful balloons, adding a cheerful vibe. The Water Drop Café at FGS Christchurch has been hosting the Mother’s Day afternoon tea for many years, innovating the menu each year and providing quality service. The team hopes to connect with people through delicious and healthy food earning them a great reputation in the community.


It is truly wonderful to have you: Commendation from the Province of Ontario, Canada

Fo Guang Shan Temple of Ottawa June 12, 2024 On May 13th, 2024 Abbess Venerable Yung Ku and temple superintendent, Venerable Zhiyin, of the Fo Guang Shan Temple of Ottawa, along with five senior volunteers of the Buddha's Light International Association (BLIA) of Ottawa Chapter received commendations from the Province of Ontario.  Accompanied by their families, Madam Liang,  John Sin, Tim Wong , Liying Seto, and Jingcheng Chin attended the volunteer service award ceremony organized by the IODE charity of Ontario. The ceremony was held at the Hellenic Event Centre. This is an award and recognition program established by the Ontario provincial government to acknowledge individuals who have made Ontario a better place to live, as well as their commitment and dedication as volunteers. The Ontario Volunteer Service Awards are given based on the nominee's continuous volunteer service to an organization, ranging from 5 to 65 years. Recipients are awarded a badge and a certificate. Over 250,000 volunteers have been recognized and commended the Ontario Volunteer Service Awards since 1986. This year, 1,450 organizations, 642 youth and 6,008 adults received this award. In the Ottawa area, the total years of service of all the volunteers attending today's award ceremony amounted to 3,879 years. The ongoing dedication of these volunteers to serving the community should be acknowledged and celebrated. Madam Liang has served in the temple’s kitchen for 20 years and is the earliest volunteer to arrive every Sunday, preparing offerings and meals for the temple, rain or shine. Whenever the monastery requires assistance, she always shows up. Now that she is older, she has retired from the kitchen, but her enthusiasm for serving the monastery remains unchanged, and she has shifted to helping at the front desk. John Sin has spared no effort in supporting the monastery, reaching 20 years of service as well. He has served as BLIA board director, fulfilling his duties wholeheartedly. He participates in all BLIA activities and provides constructive opinions. He is also an important external liaison. He is very friendly and always ready to help wherever assistance is needed. Tim Wong has been the monastery's professional photographer, and has also served for 20 years without realizing it. He captures the precious moments for future reference and memories of volunteers working together, from the initial setup to the final presentation for every annual Dharma service or BLIA event. Liying Seto has been helping in the temple’s kitchen for 15 years. She is enthusiastic and always patiently guides and nurtures younger volunteers. She has considerable experience in gardening. Since the "Happy Farm" began cultivation last year, she can often be seen in the vegetable garden, either removing weeds from the ground or watering the seedlings, always carefully tending to them. Jingcheng Chen has served in the Vajra Group for 10 years. Whenever there are heavy objects that need to be moved or storage rooms that require renovation, Chen will be there with his super strength while motivating others to do the same.  When the new monastery was first being developed, every Saturday, he would also join other volunteer bodhisattvas in clearing fallen tree branches and tidying up the place. During an interview, the five BLIA volunteers who received commendations expressed their gratitude to Venerable Master Hsing Yun for establishing Fo Guang Shan and propagating Humanistic Buddhism to the five continents, giving everyone the opportunity to learn the Dharma. This award is an affirmation of all BLIA volunteers and belongs to everyone. They hope that this will encourage all BLIA volunteers to diligently practice the Three Acts of Goodness and further promote Humanistic Buddhism.


Buddha's Light International Association Launches Petition for "Meatless Monday" in Canada

Fo Guang Shan Temple of Ottawa June 12, 2024 On the evening of May 7th, Venerable Yung Ku, Vice Secretary-General of the Buddha's Light International Association (BLIA) America East Region and Abbess of Fo Guang Shan Temple of Ottawa, convened an online briefing at the Canadian Parliament for the petition campaign "Meatless Monday in Canada." Abbesses, superintendents, BLIA chapter presidents, and BLIA executives from the five temples in Vancouver, Edmonton, Toronto, Ottawa, and Montreal were invited to attend. The meeting commenced with an explanation of the origin of the petition by Mabel Lam, President of the BLIA Toronto Chapter and Chair of the BLIA United Nations Commission on Development Committee. She expressed gratitude for the guidance of Venerable Chueh Pei, Secretary-General of the BLIA World Headquarters. Mabel states that BLIA, based on the principles of "compassion — cannot bear to see the suffering of all beings" and promoting "vegetarianism for the love of the Earth," collaborated with Member of Parliament Leah Taylor Roy, a vegetarian herself, whose ideals align with those of the BLIA. Together, they aim to garner support from the Canadian federal government to implement Meatless Monday nationwide. The petition is currently open for signatures from all Canadian residents on the Parliament website until May 24th. Venerable Yung Ku convened the meeting to explain the petition signing process in detail and to address any questions attendees may have. By the start of the online meeting, the number of signatories had already surpassed 380. Venerable Jue Zhao from Fo Guang Shan Edmonton Vihara expressed that the BLIA Edmonton Chapter is promoting the petition through sub-chapters. Venerable Chueh Fan, Abbess of Fo Guang Shan of Toronto, stated that the BLIA Toronto Chapter is also promoting the petition through sub-chapters and strongly supports President Mabel Ho's proposal. Venerable Miao Mu, the Monastic Advisor of the BLIA Montreal Chapter, which has the fastest-growing number of signatories on the petition website, mentioned that she received information about the petition during the Water and Land Dharma Service. Drawing from personal experience in signing the petition, she assisted elderly devotees without email addresses in signing and encouraged chapter members to invite their friends and family to participate. Venerable Chueh Chu, Abbess of Fo Guang Shan Vancouver Temple, pointed out that the petition website has stringent screening processes. After personally completing the petition, Venerable Chueh Chu encouraged BLIA executives to learn the process online to promote participation among sub-chapter members. Venerable Zhi Yin from the Fo Guang Shan Temple of Ottawa stated that in addition to promoting the petition through "Good Morning Fo Guang" videos on YouTube, the petition link is also shared with devotees and BLIA members, inviting everyone to participate. Venerable Yung Ku mentioned that although the petition requires only 500 signatures, as agriculture and cattle farming are major economic drivers in Canada, different political parties in Parliament may hold varying opinions. She encouraged everyone to collaborate and mobilize "thousands of signatures" to showcase public opinion to the Canadian Members of Parliament and demonstrate the BLIA's commitment to environmental protection, transcending political parties, religions, and personal interests. The meeting lasted 40 minutes, with over 100 Monastic Advisors, presidents, board of directors, and sub-chapter executives attending online. Within three hours after the meeting, the number of signatories had surpassed 600, nearly doubling the pre-meeting count, demonstrating the immense mobilizing power of Buddha's Light members.


Fo Guang Shan Bacolod Yuan Thong Temple in the Philippines Hosts One-Day Zen Meditation for Artists

Fo Guang Shan Mabuhay Temple June 11, 2024 On June 1st, Fo Guang Shan Bacolod Yuan Thong Temple in the Philippines held an event called "One Day Meditation," attracting seven artists and friends. The event was inspired by artist Pnuema, who hoped to enhance self-cultivation and creative inspiration through meditation. Venerable Zhi Rong specially planned the One Day Zen retreat, which included meditation, walking meditation, Chinese Calligraphy, and tea Meditation. Participants were required to remain silent throughout the day to focus more on their inner cultivation. The activities, including meditation, walking meditation, and tea Zen, embodied the essence of Buddhist meditation practice. These activities not only helped participants concentrate and achieve inner peace but also allowed them to observe and understand their inner world more deeply through the practice of silence. This process of calming the mind is undoubtedly a great help to artists in their creative endeavors. Pnuema, a cultural artist passionate about charity work, also participated in a charity painting workshop, giving young people the opportunity to learn painting. He shared his insights, stating that he meditates every morning and practices Zen before doing anything to reduce stress and adjust his mood. He believes this habit helps him start afresh and face various challenges in life. Artist Arnel expressed regret that his brother Ariel, who had signed up, could not attend. This was Arnel's first experience with meditation, and although he was not very familiar with it, he felt changes in his body. Gilo, a student currently studying at the Binhi Art Workshop and very interested in painting, experienced meditation for the first time today. He found it almost impossible to sit still and was surprised at his lack of concentration. Ian Jay, a hypnotherapist, spoke about the importance of meditation in modern life. In today's fast-paced, high-pressure society, finding a way to relax both body and mind is crucial. He has been pursuing the state that meditation can achieve, only to realize that it requires a slow, step-by-step approach. Meditation has taught him to let go of many worldly worries, but once meditation ends, he has to face the realities of work, earning money, and stress. Rex, a physical therapist, reflected the common dilemma of many modern people—the conflict between spiritual practice and real life. Although meditation can bring moments of tranquility, once back to reality, the pressures of work and life return. However, as Pnuema mentioned, the daily habit of meditation can effectively reduce stress, adjust the mood, and help one face life's challenges more calmly. Ryn Paul, a painter who founded the charitable Binhi Art Workshop, which provides art education for children who cannot afford it, experienced meditation for the first time today. He learned about the Buddhist definition of Zen: Zen is life; the daily activities of living, walking, sitting, and lying down are all Zen. This method of improving life quality through meditation is not only applicable to artists but to everyone. Whether facing work pressure or life's difficulties, meditation can provide a method of balance and relief. It is hoped that more people can, like these artists, find inner peace through meditation and enhance their quality of life.


Abbess Manshin Recognised in King’s Birthday Honours List for Community Service and Cultural Contributions

Fo Guang Shan New Zealand June 11, 2024 On 3 June 2024, the day when New Zealand celebrated the King’s birthday, Venerable Manshin, the Abbess of Fo Guang Shan, was awarded the 2024 New Zealand Order of Merit. This year, a total of 176 New Zealanders from various fields were honoured for their outstanding service to the country and community. Abbess Manshin is the first Bhikkhunī to have been appointed as a  Member of New Zealand Order of Merit (MNZM) in New Zealand, for her long-term commitment to school education, community safety, spiritual purification and community services. New Zealand follows the long tradition of the United Kingdom and celebrates the birthday of the British Monarch on the first Monday of June every year. On the same day, it announces the annual recipients of the Order of Merit under The New Zealand Honours System.  The Order was created by Queen Elizabeth II on 30 May 1996 and the New Zealand Order of Merit ranks second in the honours system. The Honours list is administered by the Honours Unit under the Cabinet Office and approved by the reigning Monarch on the recommendation of the Prime Minister. The purpose is to recognise those who have served and achieved in the community and nation. The New Zealand Prime Minister, Christopher Luxon, wrote to congratulate Abbess Manshin on receiving the New Zealand Order of Merit, stating that the honour is an affirmation of Abbess’s contribution and influence in the community combined with the support and recognition of the team at Fo Guang Shan. The Prime Minister thanked the Abbess for her service to New Zealand and congratulated her on behalf of the government and all New Zealanders. Abbess expressed her gratitude to New Zealand for recognising the work of Fo Guang Shan in the community. She stated that the honours should belong to the Founder of FGS Order, Venerable Master Hsing Yun. The Founder’s life’s work involved advocating world peace and coexistence, developing friendly relations among nations, and establishing international peace and relations as common goals. The Abbess emphasised the New Zealand Order of Merit is not an individual achievement, but one through the collective work of the Fo Guang members, the strength of which has enabled the accomplishment of many tasks. The BLIA North & South Island members are grateful and proud of Abbess Manshin for her hard work in New Zealand. The President of BLIA North Island Evelyn KU, thanked the Abbess for planting good seeds in New Zealanders. Deputy President Larry YANG is honoured to have met such a life mentor who has been by our side to lead everyone to serve the community and make the world a better place. Advisor of BLIA Subchapter 1 Meggan LAM expressed her appreciation for the efforts in the four major areas of education, culture, arts and charity under the leadership of the Abbess, which contribute to creating a harmonious society. Eminent figures from both the local community and international circles, including Australia, Taiwan, Europe and the USA, have sent messages of congratulations to Abbess Manshin on receiving her award. Senior Scientist Dr Amanda Dixon-McIver congratulated the Abbess on behalf of her family for her well-deserved honour. She stated that the world would be a better place if every New Zealander would constantly think about and contribute to the community like the Abbess. Former Detective Superintendent Virginia Le Bas stated that the recognition of the Abbess’ leadership and commitment to people have made a difference in people’s lives. New Zealand Immigration Compliance also took the opportunity to thank the Abbess for her input, guidance and wisdom. This honour is an affirmation of the Abbess’ leadership and service to the community. List MP Nancy LU and Howick Local Board Chairperson Damian Light and President of Guang Dong Banghu Business Association NZ Rex YOUNG also sent congratulatory messages to acknowledge Abbess’s services. Ms Lingling LIANG, Community Liaison Officer of Hato Hone St John Emergency Centre, thanked Fo Guang Shan for its continuous service in creating a safe community over the past twenty years, which has had a massive impact on the community. She will continue to support the work of Fo Guang Shan. Manukau East Police Officers, Senior Sergeant Anson LIN, Sergeant Richard Bracey and artists of the Art Salon including Niels Nielsen, Siew Tan, Luis Casares, Leonore Ashby and her husband Errol Ashby, visited the Temple in person to express their appreciation and pride for the humble and well respected Abbess Manshin, a spiritual leader, whose work has been recognised nationally.

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