Humanistic Buddhism Promotion in Cebu, Philippines

The Book donation, meanwhile, was a collection of the works of Venerable Master Hsing Yun as well as the Encyclopedia of Buddhist Arts. It was received by the Chair of the Department of Philosophy, Dr. Ruby Suazo and the Director of Libraries. All the books will be sent to the Learning Resource Center where all the students will have access to the wisdom of Humanistic Buddhism. photo/The Life News Agency
The event took place in the University of San Carlos Talamban Campus on April 20, 2024 at the SAFAD Theater. The hybrid event was live-streamed online to account to the total attendance of almost 400 participants. photo/The Life News Agency
The Buddhist tradition offers a rich philosophical and spiritual tradition to framework the contemplating death not with dread but with acceptance and wisdom. photo/The Life News Agency
The MOU shall prompt faculty exchanges, in the form of lectures, forums, and round table discussions as well as researches by faculty and graduate students who wish to learn more about humanistic Buddhism. photo/The Life News Agency
A lecture on death and dying; a generous book donation of the works of Venerable Master Hsing Yun; and the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signing between the Fo Guang Shan Institute of Humanistic Buddhism (IHB) through the Humanistic Buddhism Center Philippines and the University of San Carlos (USC) through the Department of Philosophy. photo/The Life News Agency
Venerable Abbess Miao Jing of FGS Mabuhay Temple and Venerable You Hui of FGS Chu Un Temple are active in international religious dialogues, exchanges and partnerships. The collaborative effort is based on open-mindedness, interactive relations and mutual respect transcending boundaries to achieve harmony, peace and love-kindness. The metaphor of a colorful garden with green plants has described the concept of co-existence and oneness in humankind. photo/The Life News Agency
As part of the promotion of Humanistic Buddhism in the Philippines, Venerable Miao Guang, the Deputy Chancellor of the Fo Guang Shan (FGS) Institute of Humanistic Buddhism Taiwan came to Cebu for a momentous event that highlights three different activities. photo/The Life News Agency
It was a fruitful event with deep reflections about life delivered eloquently by the speaker. It marked a good start for future collaborations between the IHB and USC. photo/The Life News Agency

Venerable Miao Jing
May 15, 2024

As part of the promotion of Humanistic Buddhism in the Philippines, Venerable Miao Guang, the Deputy Chancellor of the Fo Guang Shan (FGS) Institute of Humanistic Buddhism Taiwan came to Cebu for a momentous event that highlights three different activities. A lecture on death and dying; a generous book donation of the works of Venerable Master Hsing Yun; and the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signing between the Fo Guang Shan Institute of Humanistic Buddhism (IHB) through the Humanistic Buddhism Center Philippines and the University of San Carlos (USC) through the Department of Philosophy. The event took place in the University of San Carlos Talamban Campus on April 20, 2024 at the SAFAD Theater. The hybrid event was live-streamed online to account to the total attendance of almost 400 participants.

The USC Fr. President Francisco Estepa,PhD SVD gave the commitment to fostering a well rounded understanding and hosting the lecture of respected Buddhist Scholar, Ven. Miao Guang. The Buddhist tradition offers a rich philosophical and spiritual tradition to framework the contemplating death not with dread but with acceptance and wisdom. This lecture is a valuable opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of impermanence and its role in shaping a meaningful life, explore Buddhist philosophy on suffering and how to alleviate it, and learn practices for cultivating compassion and equanimity in the face of mortality.

In her lecture entitled A Matter of Life and Death from the Buddhist Perspective she asked the students to consider the prospect of death as an opportunity to live a good life. She probed questions like, what are we in this life for?  Are we scared of death? What legacy do we leave behind? Her lecture is relevant because she presented on the Buddhist views of suffering, non-attachment, and re-birth in a manner that was personal and not technical that made it easily relatable to the general audience. Such is the vision of Venerable Master Hsing Yun, to bring to light the core teachings of the Buddha in a manner that is understandable, applicable, and meaningful.

The Book donation, meanwhile, was a collection of the works of Venerable Master Hsing Yun as well as the Encyclopedia of Buddhist Arts. It was received by the Chair of the Department of Philosophy, Dr. Ruby Suazo and the Director of Libraries. All the books will be sent to the Learning Resource Center where all the students will have access to the wisdom of Humanistic Buddhism.

Finally, the MOU shall prompt faculty exchanges, in the form of lectures, forums, and round table discussions as well as researches by faculty and graduate students who wish to learn more about humanistic Buddhism.

Venerable Abbess Miao Jing of FGS Mabuhay Temple and Venerable You Hui of FGS Chu Un Temple are active in international religious dialogues, exchanges and partnerships. The collaborative effort is based on open-mindedness, interactive relations and mutual respect transcending boundaries to achieve harmony, peace and love-kindness. The metaphor of a colorful garden with green plants has described the concept of co-existence and oneness in humankind.

It was a fruitful event with deep reflections about life delivered eloquently by the speaker. It marked a good start for future collaborations between the IHB and USC.


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