Siddhartha Musical Triumphs at the Cebu Guang Ming College Theater, Igniting a Buddhist Artistic Wave

The Prince Siddhartha musical. photo/FGS Yuan Thong Temple
Dignitaries and actors. photo/FGS Yuan Thong Temple
The Prince Siddhartha musical. photo/FGS Yuan Thong Temple
The Prince Siddhartha musical. photo/FGS Yuan Thong Temple
Group photo of dignitaries and actors. photo/FGS Yuan Thong Temple
The preview in the evening was warmly welcomed by friends and family. photo/FGS Yuan Thong Temple
The Prince Siddhartha musical. photo/FGS Yuan Thong Temple

Fo Guang Shan Yuan Thong Temple
May 17, 2024

The Cebu Guang Ming College Theater came alive on the evening of April 18th, as a stirring musical about Prince Siddhartha filled the venue with emotions and joy. Dignitaries, including the Philippines' Fo Guang Shan Head Abbess Ven. Yung Guang, Ven. Miao Guang and Abbess Ven. Miao Jing, graced the occasion, adding prestige to the event.

The preview in the evening was warmly welcomed by friends and family, with nearly a hundred people gathering to witness this masterfully crafted performance. The actors' exceptional skills and heartfelt performances kept the audience laughing and applauding continuously, creating a lively and heartwarming atmosphere.

The success of this musical is not only a significant milestone in the history of Buddhism in the Philippines but also marks the first attempt to carry Filipino Buddhist cultural artistry to South Africa. The blessings and applause from the audience seemed to be the best testimony to the performance and the greatest encouragement to everyone involved.

In the serene surroundings of the Cebu Chu Un Temple, the nights are always filled with melodious songs, where a group of art enthusiasts often gather to practice, discuss, and create, igniting brilliant sparks of artistry in this peaceful land.

In this performance, Benjie's portrayal of the role of Buddha has a history of 17 years, his unwavering meditation skills are admirable. Director Junrey's meticulous scripting and guidance have made the entire performance even more captivating and moving. It's worth mentioning that the success and support of this endeavor stem from everyone's love and dedication to art, as well as their respect and inheritance of Buddhist culture.

The success of this musical not only enriches the cultural life of the Cebu Guang Ming College but also injects new vitality into Filipino Buddhist artistry, believing it will continue to stir up a wave of Buddhist artistry, influencing and touching the hearts of more people.



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