Grand Launch of Labor Day Bathing Buddha Event by the Philippine Fo Guang Shan at Lake Hotel in Tagatay, Manila

The bathing Buddha event is not only an opportunity for believers to practice together but also a fusion of Fo Guang Shan with the community. photo/The Philippine Fo Guang Shan
Bathing Buddha ceremony attracted numerous believers and visitors. photo/The Philippine Fo Guang Shan
The bathing Buddha event in Lake Hotel. photo/The Philippine Fo Guang Shan
Venerable Ru Liang, Venerable Zhi Pu and other leaders participated in the event. photo/The Philippine Fo Guang Shan
Lake Hotel in Tagatay, Manila. photo/The Philippine Fo Guang Shan
Hotel manager Rocel Princess Nolasco, manager Nestor, and staff joined the event. photo/The Philippine Fo Guang Shan

The Philippine Fo Guang Shan
May 23, 2024

The Philippine Fo Guang Shan kicked off the Labor Day Bathing Buddha event on May 1st at Lake Hotel in Tagatay, Manila. Led by Venerable Ru Liang from the Mabuhay Temple, 43 members, including Venerable Zhi Pu and other leaders, participated in the event, arriving together at the summer sanctuary of Manila. Besides the bathing ritual, they also promoted the Three Acts of Goodness campaign and set up a temple on the hotel's upper floor. Hotel manager Rocel Princess Nolasco, manager Nestor, and staff joined enthusiastically, expressing gratitude for the special visit from the Mabuhay Temple. They joyfully celebrated Buddha's birthday, wearing Three Acts of Goodness bracelets to support the movement.

This bathing Buddha event is not only an opportunity for believers to practice together but also a fusion of Fo Guang Shan with the community, showcasing the power of faith and social responsibility. Over a hundred people, including hotel staff and guests, participated in the event today, allowing everyone present to feel the power of collective creation, collaboration, and vitality.

The next day, on May 2nd, Experiencing Taiwan, a youth entrepreneurial shop in Manila, had its grand opening. Venerable Ru Liang led the members to attend, along with special guests including Yang Li Qiong, supervisor of the Philippine Buddha’s Light Association. On the opening day, Venerable Ru Liang blessed and purified the new shop, symbolizing a prosperous start. What's even more exciting is that they held a Bathing Buddha ceremony on the first day, attracting numerous believers and visitors. This not only marks the opening of a new shop but also signifies the auspicious beginning of mutual accomplishment and shared joy through collective practice. Around twenty people participated in the event onsite.



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