Manila's Fo Guang Yuan: Devotees Gather for Bathing Ceremony, Undeterred by Challenges

Manila's Fo Guang Yuan held the bathing ceremony. photo/Fo Guang Shan Mabuhay Temple
Led by Abbess Ven. Miao Jing, nearly 50 attendees participated in the grand occasion. photo/Fo Guang Shan Mabuhay Temple
Group photo of attendees. photo/Fo Guang Shan Mabuhay Temple

Fo Guang Shan Mabuhay Temple
May 22, 2024

In past years, Manila's Fo Guang Yuan held its annual May bathing ceremony in Chinatown's Ong Pin, bringing blessings to devotees and visitors alike. Despite recent setbacks due to relocation and pandemic restrictions, the event resumed on May 2nd, encouraged by guidance from Venerable Ru Liang. Led by Abbess Ven. Miao Jing, nearly 50 attendees, including volunteers, representatives from various branches, and faculty members from Guang Ming College, participated in the grand occasion.

The event commenced with a brief yet solemn prayer ceremony, invoking blessings for the nation's prosperity, health, and happiness. Following this, each participant took turns to bathe the Buddha, receiving Heart Sutra pendants symbolizing virtues of kindness, inner peace, and reverence for the Dharma.

Deputy Director Yang Li Qiong of the World Headquarters of the Buddha's Light International Association graced the occasion, expressing her support and delight at seeing many longtime devotees joining the festivities.

For many, Fo Guang Yuan serves as an early spiritual haven, especially after completing household chores in the afternoon. This gathering evokes a sense of warmth and familial bonds, with longtime volunteers such as Yu Ping, Lily, and Yaya embodying the spirit of a spiritual home for devotees.


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