Bathing Buddha Ceremony Unites Faith in Ong Pin Street's Chinese Community

Venerable Zhi Min led vegetable vendors from roadside stalls to bathe Buddha. photo/Fo Guang Shan Mabuhay Temple
Venerable Zhi Min led vegetable vendors from roadside stalls to bathe Buddha. photo/Fo Guang Shan Mabuhay Temple
Venerables and staff of Glasses Company prayed for the entire commercial street to be even safer. photo/Fo Guang Shan Mabuhay Temple
Glasses Company specially opened its doors early to welcome believers. photo/Fo Guang Shan Mabuhay Temple
Believers looked forward to the bathing Buddha ceremony. photo/Fo Guang Shan Mabuhay Temple
Venerable Ruliang led the bathing Buddha ceremony. photo/Fo Guang Shan Mabuhay Temple

Fo Guang Shan Mabuhay Temple
May 21, 2024

The fervor of faith in the Chinese community: the continuous holding of the bathing Buddha ceremony in Ong Pin Street Manila, Philippines.

The faith activities of the Filipino Chinese community once again reached a climax, and Ong Pin Street became a feast of faith and enthusiasm. From the early gathering place for Chinese people to today's religious center, this street witnesses the development and spiritual pursuit of the Chinese community.

Today, May 3, under the leadership of Venerable Ruliang from the Fo Guang Shan Mabuhay Temple, Venerable Zhi Min, Venerable Zhi Rong, and a group of volunteers enthusiastically joined together to bring blessings and prayers to the believers. The bathing Buddha ceremony was held in the alleys of Ong Pin (王彬) Street. Nearly a hundred people participated in this event.

This event not only attracted the enthusiastic participation of believer families but also drew the employees of companies and shops to join in the bathing of the Buddha. Under the leadership of Venerable Ru Liang, each bathing Buddha ceremony was filled with an atmosphere of blessings and prayers, integrating the faith and culture of the Chinese community. Venerable Zhi Min, on behalf of the monastery, even presented tokens of affinity to all participants, making this event even more meaningful.

Surprisingly, not only did employees of shops participate, but even Filipino vegetable vendors from roadside stalls specially invited participants to bathe Buddha at their stalls. The momentum of the bathing Buddha ceremony extended from shops to vegetable stalls and even into homes.

One of the noteworthy participants was the Chinese newspapers, including the W World News Daily, Inc. and United News Ph. They also participated in this event to express their respect and support for faith. The staff of these newspapers also participated in the bathing Buddha ceremony, praying together with other believers, and jointly hoping for the peace and harmony of the community.

Furthermore, Glasses Company specially opened its doors early to welcome believers, praying for the entire commercial street to be even safer. Despite the scorching sun, believers still maintained their enthusiasm, jointly bringing blessings and hope to the community. The power of this faith will continue to shine on Ong Pin Street, illuminating every step forward.


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