Nurturing Our Planet BLIA North Island Chapter’s T-Earth Initiative for Earth Day

BLIA North Island Chapter held the T-Earth: Environmental Protection and Spiritual Prevention event on 21st April 2024. photo/Fo Guang Shan New Zealand
The group work in different areas, cleaning gutters, clearing fallen leaves, trimming hedges, cleaning the parking lot and pruning vines. photo/Fo Guang Shan New Zealand
The group work in different areas, cleaning gutters, clearing fallen leaves, trimming hedges, cleaning the parking lot and pruning vines. photo/Fo Guang Shan New Zealand
The group work in different areas, cleaning gutters, clearing fallen leaves, trimming hedges, cleaning the parking lot and pruning vines. photo/Fo Guang Shan New Zealand
Venerable Rulian led a blessing ceremony. photo/Fo Guang Shan New Zealand
The group work in different areas, cleaning gutters, clearing fallen leaves, trimming hedges, cleaning the parking lot and pruning vines. photo/Fo Guang Shan New Zealand
President Evelyn KU of BLIA North Island Chapter, noted that beautifying the Temple grounds helps create a dignified environment while reminding people to purify their body, speech and mind, and bring joy to others. photo/Fo Guang Shan New Zealand
The group work in different areas, cleaning gutters, clearing fallen leaves, trimming hedges, cleaning the parking lot and pruning vines. photo/Fo Guang Shan New Zealand

Fo Guang Shan New Zealand
May 16, 2024

In response to Earth Day, the Buddha’s Light International Association (BLIA) North Island Chapter held the T-Earth: Environmental Protection and Spiritual Prevention event on 21st April 2024. Despite the chilly weather, over 50 BLIA members and youths participated under the guidance of the Minister in Charge of FGS Auckland Venerable Rulian.

At 9am, the group gathered in the Front Shrine, where Venerable Rulian led a blessing ceremony. She encouraged everyone to take action to care for the Earth, not just for themselves but also for future generations. Mental mindfulness is equally important, purifying thoughts, ideas, language and intentions promotes social harmony and benefits all. The group then split into five teams to work in different areas, cleaning gutters, clearing fallen leaves, trimming hedges, cleaning the parking lot and pruning vines. Volunteers in the kitchen prepared a tasty vegetarian lunch to refuel everyone.

President Evelyn KU of BLIA North Island Chapter, noted that beautifying the Temple grounds helps create a dignified environment while reminding people to purify their body, speech and mind, and bring joy to others. She emphasised that caring for the Earth is everyone’s responsibility. Through tree planting, vegetarian promotion, reducing energy consumption and plastic use, and proper waste sorting, BLIA members aim to slow down global warming and create a sustainable world.

Sub-president Anita Chu of the Third Subchapter, praised everyone’s commitment to protecting the planet through small actions. Sara, a BLIA member, acknowledged that although she felt physically tired, she was glad to be able to serve both the Earth and the Temple. She thanked the Temple for offering a beautiful environment that provided opportunities to improve herself. Fred Gu shared that through teamwork he learned to focus, persevere and reflect. He found peace and recognised the value of the Founder, Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s teaching that strong determination can help achieve goals.

President Steven of BLIA Auckland Senior YAD, emphasised that T-Earth isn’t a one-day event but an ongoing initiative. He mentioned taking care of the Earth starts with caring for one’s environment and contributing even through small acts. Youth member Alan Han appreciated the importance of teamwork, noting the group’s harmonious collaboration and the positive feedback that energised him and gave him a sense of achievement. He expressed gratitude to the Temple for providing opportunities to cultivate good fortune.


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