Multi-Faith Vigil in Sydney: Praying for World Peace and Harmony

Abbess Chueh Shan of Nan Tien Buddhist Temple Parramatta at the Multifaith Prayer Vigil with Rev Dr Manas Ghosh, Rabbi George Mordecai, Rabbi Jacqui Ninio, Rev Dr Patrick McInerney, Mr Ahmet Polat, Rev Dr Helen Richmond, Dr Urfi Hashmi, Ms Niloufar Khalajabadi, Ven Rabdrol Christine Beveridge, Mr Pandit Jatin Bhatt, Mr Sanmati Gandhi, Mr Jatinder Singh, Mr Ahmet Polat. photo/BLIA Sydney Chapter
Venerable Chueh Shan, Abbess of Nan Tien Buddhist Temple Parramatta and Florence Yuen, Executive Committee Member of BLIA Sydney attended the Multifaith Prayer Vigil in St Patrick’s Cathedral Hall Parramatta to pray for world peace. photo/BLIA Sydney Chapter

Ben Jie
May 22, 2024

On May 2, 2024, Abbess Chueh Shan of Nan Tien Buddhist Temple Parramatta and Florence Yuen of BLIA Sydney Chapter participated in the Multi-Faith Prayer Vigil event organized by The Abraham Conference Committee. The event took place at St. Patrick’s Cathedral Hall in Parramatta, Sydney. Approximately fifty guests attended, coming together to mourn the victims of recent violent incidents in the Sydney community and to pray for world peace.

At the beginning of the gathering, Rev. Dr. Manas Goah, the chairperson of the organizing committee, emphasized the paramount importance of community safety and expressed zero tolerance for acts of violence. He called for collaboration among major religions to spread positive messages and unequivocally oppose all forms of violence. Subsequently, attendees lit peace candles, symbolizing hope for a brighter world. Religious leaders from various communities also offered prayers for the deceased and blessings for the society.

Kate Xavier and Kim Chong from the organising committee expressed gratitude to Abbess Chueh Shan for representing the Buddhist community at the event. They look forward to future opportunities for collaboration and exchange with Nan Tien Buddhist Temple Parramatta and BLIA Sydney Chapter in promoting interfaith initiatives.

Mr. Suresh Dharmalingam, representing the Baha’i Temple, was deeply moved by the event. Despite differing beliefs, he recognized that all religious groups share a common goal: advocating for the community. He expressed hope that continued interfaith cooperation would foster harmony and unity within society.

Abbess Chueh Shan highlighted the significance of participating in interfaith activities as a means to build friendships across diverse faiths and cultures. Through such exchanges, individuals gain knowledge and skills in interacting with people who hold different worldviews. The purpose of interfaith dialogue is to enhance understanding and respect for other religious systems and institutions, deepening our appreciation of their values. This interfaith interaction contributes to promoting peace, understanding, and tolerance on a global scale, aligning with Master Hsing Yun’s vision of “Humanistic Buddhism.”
Abbess Chueh Shan of Nan Tien Buddhist Temple Parramatta at the Multifaith Prayer Vigil with Rev Dr Manas Ghosh, Rabbi George Mordecai, Rabbi Jacqui Ninio, Rev Dr Patrick McInerney, Mr Ahmet Polat, Rev Dr Helen Richmond, Dr Urfi Hashmi, Ms Niloufar Khalajabadi, Ven Rabdrol Christine Beveridge, Mr Pandit Jatin Bhatt, Mr Sanmati Gandhi, Mr Jatinder Singh, Mr Ahmet Polat.

Venerable Chueh Shan, Abbess of Nan Tien Buddhist Temple Parramatta and Florence Yuen, Executive Committee Member of BLIA Sydney attended the Multifaith Prayer Vigil in St Patrick’s Cathedral Hall Parramatta to pray for world peace.


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